Be With You

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Grantaire had no tears left. He had cried for days. Everyone was worried about him, except for one person and that person was the reason he was crying. Grantaire was on his bed listening to music on Pandora when 'Back To Black' by Amy Winehouse played. The lyrics spoke truth to him, he connected with the song.

Courfeyrac had decided to visit Grantaire, just to see how his friend was holding up, he was about to knock on the door, when he heard singing.

'We only said goodbye with words

I died a hundred times

You go back to her

And I go back to...

Black, black, black, black, black, black, black,

I go back to...

I go back to...'

It was Grantaire singing and Courfeyrac's heart broke, it was in that moment he knew what to do. He took out his phone and recorded some of the song and then he marched over to Enjolras's apartment.

Courfeyrac knocked on the door.

"Who is it?" Called Enjolras from inside.

"Me you nitwit." He replied and then he proceeded to open the door.

"Courfeyrac, what are you doing here?"

"What exactly did you say to Grantaire before breaking up with him?" Courfeyrac asked.

"I don't see why it is any of your business." Enjolras replied.

"Well he's been crying for several days straight, so I went to see how he was today only I stopped myself because he was singing this." Courfeyrac said and then played the recording to Enjolras. Courfeyrac thought he could see tears gathering in Enjolras' eyes.

"I've made a terrible mistake." He whispered and Enjolras ran out of his apartment to Grantaire's.

It was too late, Grantaire was dead on the floor. Pandora radio still on, now playing 'Good Riddance (Time Of Your Life)' by Green Day. Enjolras saw the bottle of pills on the floor near Grantaire's hand.

"I'm so, so, sorry 'Taire." Enjolras said and then he got up, found a knife in the kitchen took it back to where Grantaire was and he stabbed himself, so that he could be with Grantaire again.

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