Les Misèrables Characters as Characters From Once Upon A Time (1st Series)

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A/N: I was not able to find characters for all of the Amis, as I am only using characters from the 1st Season of Once Upon A Time. Warning for a few spoilers, but it will not give the plot away. At least I don't think.

Jehan: Snow White/ Mary Margaret Blanchard

Why: In my opinion Jehan has the same style as Mary Margaret Blanchard and has the kind soul of both Snow White and Mary, however, like Snow White, Jehan is fierce and wants to keep his walls up at first until he is sure that he wants to be with someone, like Snow doesn't immediately fall in love with Prince Charming.

Combeferre: Jiminiy Cricket/ Dr. Archie Hopper.

Why: Combeferre is wise, smart and has good morals. He is able to help others because he helps to them to do the right thing and keeps everyone he meets grounded, just like Jiminiy Cricket helps people to make the right decision and Dr. Hopper helps people with their mental problems.

Gavroche: Henry

Why: Gavroche is only a child like Henry, but they are both incredibly smart for their age and they both have an understanding of the world, that even some adults don't have. Gavroche is like Henry because they both believe that change can happen as long as people believe it can.

Èponine: Red Riding Hood/ Ruby

Why: Èponine is like Red Riding Hood as I like to think that like Red, Èponine has a dark side, but she also has a kind side. Èponine is like Ruby because they both are feisty, yet kind and very protective of their friends.

Grantaire: Dreamy/Grumpy/Leroy

Why: Grantaire once had dreams and ideas, but they were conditioned out of him, by the frequent beatings from his parents, from the amount of love he had lost, like Dreamy who turns to Grumpy as once these ideas are forced out of Grantaire's head because no one helped him, so why would people help anyone. Like Leroy he is drunk, but the best of him is brought out by love and affection to his friends and Enjolras.

Enjolras: The Huntsman/ Sheriff Graham

Why: Sheriff Graham is one of the first people to realise that he is a fairytale character, he is the first one to believe it. Enjolras believes strongly in his cause for justice and is willing to die for it, like Graham dies to find out that he is the Huntsman.

Courfeyrac: Happy

Why: Do I really need to explain this one?

Cosette: Cinderella/ Ashley

Why: Cinderella is forced to become a servant for her stepmother, like Cosette is forced to for the Thénardiers. Both girls eventually find their happy endings because it is what they deserve after having been put through so much. 

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