I Would Like That

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Quick A/N: This is longer than my usual works, it is roughly 2000 words, so if that's too long for you, skip over it. This is also loosely based on (I'm Not) Fluent In You on AO3. 

To say Grantaire was nervous would be an understatement, he was terrified. He was being shipped off to yet another school, his third this year and school had only been back for five months. This school was not another fancy private school, not even a public school - no his parents hated him so much that they had shipped him off to a boarding school.

He walked through the seemingly long halls and corridors, Grantaire had no idea where he was, he had tried to ask several people and none of them were kind enough to help him. Wasn't that just fabulous. It wasn't until he bumped into someone, with long auburn hair that was tied in a braid.

"Oh goodness, I'm so sorry." The person apologised.

"You don't need to apologise. I wasn't looking where I was going." Grantaire replied.

"I haven't seen you around before, are you lost?"

Grantaire was thankful they didn't say 'new kid' because he didn't know if he could bear to listen to those two words again.

"I am actually. Do you know where 12B is?" Grantaire asked.

"Oh, one of my boyfriends is in that room. I was heading there now, come on. I'll show you where it is."

"Thank you." Grantaire said, relieved. He didn't question the noticeable plural when the person said 'boyfriends.'

"I'm Jehan, by the way and I'm gender-fluid, today I'm a male, but who knows what tomorrow will bring." The person, Jehan, said.

"I'm Grantaire, but if you call me that I won't be happy. I prefer R or 'Taire or anything else you can think of." Grantaire replied.

"Nice pun, R." Jehan deadpanned. Grantaire liked Jehan already.

"This is our dorm room, by the way. Most of my friends are in here." Jehan explained.

Grantaire just nodded in reply.

"Jehan! Who's this?" Asked someone, their arm around Jehan, in a protective manner.

"Hi 'Ferre. This is Grantaire, though he prefers to go by R and he's Courf's new roommate." Jehan said.

"Nice to meet you R, I'm Combeferre."



Grantaire had been in the school for only three hours and he had met all of Jehan's group of friends. There was a Bahorel, whom Grantaire had already started to get along with as well as a Joly and Bossuet, Bahorel was dating a man named Feuilly, who had taught himself to read and write, Grantaire immediately respected him. He had also met Marius and his girlfriend Cosette, Èponine, Musichetta who was with Joly and Bossuet, Grantaire also met his roommate Courfeyrac who was dating Combeferre and Jehan and the former was incredibly funny and kind. Grantaire had also met Enjolras, who looked like a God and they both learnt that they were extremely different and had different opinions.

Grantaire had also learnt that Jehan's ragtag group of friends were feared by most students. Grantaire couldn't see why, but he was wary of the fact. Jehan had also given him a tour of the school and now Grantaire found himself sitting down on the grass sketching a picture of the students who were dotted around the trees.

"Watcha doing?" Asked a voice, Grantaire whipped his head around in surprise and dropped his pencil. It was Èponine.

"Well I was sketching." Grantaire replied.

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