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"Hello Miss, you must be Kornkamon?" A man on uniform asked with a beautiful smile on his face. He's stretching his hand for a handshake.

"Oh yeah. Nice to meet you" I said shaking him.

"I'm assigned to pick you up from the airport Miss. Please let me help with your luggages" he said taking my luggages from me.

I have a big bag and a smaller one. My handbag doesn't count as my luggage, right? I smiled at him and followed him to where the car is parked.

I'm Mon by the way. Kornkamon Armstrong. I am 23 years old and I am mixed, my dad is British my mum is Thai. My family stay in England. I am the only child and I work with an organization that takes care of elderly people around the globe. My job is not static since I can be transferred anytime depending on the feedback they get from the clients. I know you're asking why a young girl like me chose this kind of job. that's because the pay is so good, again it's my passion. Wait I'll be back, my phone is ringing.

"Did you arrive safely?" Yuki my friend and a colleague asked over the phone.

"I just got to Thailand. I'm heading to meet the client now" I said.

"That's awesome. How is the weather over there?" She asked.

"I think it's nice" my response

"You think?"

"I just arrived Yuki"

"Right" she quickly said.

"Talk to you later" I said and ended the call.

The driver on uniform keeps looking at me from the rearview mirror. Eyes on the road grandpa, I just arrived in Thailand and my life is so important to me. I said to myself hoping he would hear me but he didn't. I mean, he doesn't have any super powers to hear people's thoughts right?

Okay it's getting too weird, is he kidnapping me or something? The look is weird. Maybe I should ask him.

"Is there something on my face?" I asked smiling awkwardly.

"Haha, no Miss, I'm just wondering" he replied laughing.

"What is it. We can talk about it" I said and he smiled again.

"It's just that you're too young and.."

I smiled. I am no more young compared to when I started this job. I started it right after I graduated from higher institution two years ago. My first contract was in USA. The man was so nice to me. He took me as a grandchild. but death happened. He died two months ago and I am here now in Thailand into a royal family.

"I also heard your family doesn't stay here. You must be really professional to accept to work here" he continued.

"Thank you so much. I can only give my best. I may be young but I know how to say No when I need to" my response and he smiled.

"You are equally beautiful Miss. I'm sure you won't have any problem with the twins" he said out of nowhere.

The twins? I didn't read anything concerning the twins. Why is it not in the research I made? Or perhaps I didn't read deep enough. Anyways, I can only get to know about the family I'm posted to when I meet them. Are they males or females? I love twins. And I equally heard twins are soft hearted. I smiled at him awkwardly and he smiled back.

"If the twins like you, you will enjoy your stay..."

"And if they don't?" I asked curiously.

"Let's say you will be pushed to say NO" he said smiling.

Hmmm, should I say it's good that he told me or not? I mean who talks about his employers like that? I asked myself. Even though we get posted to different places, we still have the right to request for a transfer if we aren't comfortable at where we got posted.

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