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I have been on this since morning. Signing the documents and forwarding it back to my secretary. My phone has been on silent since I don't want any distraction. After a short knock on the door, Yha entered.

"Sorry ma but a call has been coming in..." She said.

"What call? I told you I can't take any phonecall right now. I am running out of time and the deadline for this is close. Don't forward any call" I said cutting her off.

"It's from Kitty clothings ma. I think it's important since they keep calling for some time now" she said.

I rolled my eyes and rested my back on the chair. I looked at Yha who has a worried look on her face. I let out a sigh of frustration.

"Fine. Forward it to me" I simply said and she smiled and left the office.

I answered the telephone as soon as it started ringing. I hope it's something very important.

"Why aren't you taking your calls?" A voice spoke over the phone.

Unbelievable. The voice is familiar and that must be Jade calling. Why is she calling the office line?

"What do you want?" I simply said.

"I have been calling a lot Miss. Samanun. We are business partners, you shouldn't miss my calls for no reason" she yelled over the phone.

Seems someone is in a very bad mood today. I picked up my cellphone to check and my jaw dropped on seeing the number of missed calls she gave me. Who calls someone like that?

"To think that you missed an important meeting this morning Miss Samanun. We had an agreement you know?" She said.

I missed a meeting? I quickly opened her schedule. Gosh! She had a meeting this morning. I totally forgot.

"Meet me in five" she said bringing my attention back.

"Excuse me, who are you to order me ...." I tried speaking.

"I am waiting" she simply said and ended the call.

Okay this is it. I am a boss on my own and now someone is bossing me around? Maybe I should reconsider my decision over this new contract.

I told Yha to add her schedule to mine so I don't have to miss them no more. I should take the contract seriously because I can't afford being sued for a breach of contract. I got out of my office to the parking lot but why isn't she sending the address? I was walking to my car while waiting for her notification when a car horns at me.

Is she kidding me right now? What is she doing here? Has she been here all along? Why then did she not come in and decided to call on phone instead? I walked closer to the car. She got out of the car and leaned on it.

"I apologize for missing the meeting but I am busy right now and I need you to be quick" I said when I got close.

"A mere apology won't be enough the next time it happens" she said.

Is she threatening me? she looks angry today. Why? Why am I affected by her anger? Just like before, I hate seeing her angry. The meeting is long over, but why is she here?

"Why are you here Mrs Kasem?" I asked ignoring her threats.

"Why can't I be here? We are business partners..."

"I only have to attend business meetings with you. And you have no meeting right now Mrs. Kasem" I said cutting her off.

"Can you please stop calling me that?!" She yelled.

Gosh I hate it when people yell at me. I would have lost my temper a long time ago if it was someone else, but I don't know why I'm still soft. I think I'm still weak around her. My heart hurts a little each time I see her. What exactly is it that still hurts? Was it because she cheated and got pregnant? Or because she never loved me enough to get married to me? Or because she got married to someone else? Or the pain I passed through for years? I left tons of messages for her on every social media platform but she never replied any. I hate to remember those days, the days my world crumbled because she was actually everything to me and it was difficult to live without her.

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