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I took the book to lady grandma. She was so happy that we found it. She asked about Treenuch and I told her she already left to her room. But how can grandma read this book? Can she still see the letters very well? I was about to ask her when she said.

"I hope you don't mind reading this story to me at night before bed? She asked.

I smiled from ear to ear. That was exactly what I was doing for my former patient before he passed away. It is always fun especially if the story is captivating.

"I love stories also grandma. It's not a problem doing that for you" I answered and she smiled.

She said she wanted to take a nap so I laid her properly on the bed and left to my room immediately. I spread myself on the bed trying to get some rest when my phone started ringing.

"My friend already forgot about me because she is enjoying herself at the palace" Yuki said over the phone.

"Stop it Yuki, I have been busy lately that's why" I honestly answered.

"I heard the royal twins are nice" she said happily

"What nice? I am going crazy because of them"

"Huh? Why?" She asked worriedly.

"Let's say they are the opposite of the other family members". I answered.

Speaking of being different. Khun Sam is so cold to me but I don't know why I keep admiring her anytime I see her especially whenever we eat together. while at the dinning, I always watch her eat. How she holds her cutleries, I'm always looking at her but she's looking down at the table, every single time. She equally picks at her food unlike Khun Treenuch. Does she not like the dishes? Gosh I'm going crazy, why do I worry about her more than I worry about my patient? And for what? For someone that snubs my entire being?

"I heard Nop is in Thailand now" she said. And I became silent.

Nop was my best friend. We were friends since childhood. He is a brand ambassador of a skincare product in England. I liked him, not liked, loved. I loved him and always wanted something more than being friends. I buried my feelings for him for years because I knew it would break our friendship if I ever confess but Yuki and my family pushed me into doing that anyways. To cut the story short. I got rejected. And I hated him for that. I still hate him. He broke my heart. He hurt my feelings. In other to stay away from him and perhaps heal, I have been running away; Accepting the transfer to USA and also coming here. I don't want to stay in England where I will be seeing his billboards and posters in the streets. And now he is here? What is he doing here? Maybe I didn't run far enough.

"Hey! Are you still there?" Irene said getting me out of my thoughts.

"Yeah" I replied

"I thought you said you have moved on? Why are you still affected?"

"I am not affected Yuki"

"Then why have you refused to see him for years?" She asked.


"Mon, I know you still hate Nop..."

"I don't hate him" I answered cutting her off.

I mean, why should I continue hating on him just because he rejected me. I have decided to move on and I'm doing that in my own way.

"He still wants to see you Mon, but you have been avoiding him...."

"Can we talk about something else?" I cut her off.

"Fine." She said.

We started talking about something else.  I have missed our little gossips and jokes. After a while the call ended and I got busy with other things until it was time for lunch. I got out of my room to meet grandma. She needs to eat so she can take her afternoon medication.

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