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We continued eating quietly. But I keep stealing glances at the new girl. I look down each time she looks at me and in some cases she would meet my gaze.

"How was it last night?" My dad suddenly asked.

I paused surprisingly. Even Treenuch was shocked over it. We both looked at him. He has an evil smile on his face. How did he know? We were careful last night, and I agree with Treenuch about the place being private. So how did he find out?

"I guess you had much fun" he said now looking at me in the eyes.

"How did you..?" Treenuch said surprisingly

He smiled and started eating again. Grandma looks so surprised. She doesn't know we went out. It was only the new girl that saw us last night. Did she tell him? I looked at her but she looks dead shocked as well.

"How stupid of you to think I don't know every step you take" My dad continued.

"Dad.." Treenuch called warmly.

"You helped her sneak out?" He said and Treenuch remained silent.

All this while I was silent. I have learnt to do that and he doesn't like it.

"You sneaked out Sam!" He yelled.

"Anantrakul, don't be like this" Grandma said and he was silent for a while.

"I have made up my mind. You will join the company. That is the only way to gain your freedom back" he said.

"So this is about the company?" Treenuch finally asked.

Of course I knew it was about it all these while but I needed him to say it out. It didn't come as a shock to me.

"I'm done playing nice. Join the company or continue staying in this house." he said.

"That's enough Anantrakul. The last time we spoke you said you'd talk to the police" grandma said.

They spoke about it? When? We all know my dad is stubborn. But I have my own dream and I can't abandon it because of my dad's company.

"If you continue like this i would be forced to step in. I will talk to the police myself!." my grandma yelled getting angry.

"Fine. But even if she has her freedom back, her credit card would be terminated.." he said

"Dad!!" Treenuch finally yelled

"She wants to be independent right? She should be independent completely" he said.

I grabbed the spoon really tightly. Stopping myself from exploding. I know how I can be when I explode. I quickly stood up and started walking to the stairs.

"Sam!" I can hear Grandma calling me but I didn't stop.

"Sam wait" Treenuch said while following me.

I got to my room and slammed the door. I don't want to talk to anybody. My dad is getting on my nerves. He wants to block my credit card? How am I supposed to survive? My business isn't productive yet. Am I really his daughter? Maybe Treenuch is his daughter while I was adopted. But we won't look so much alike if one of us was adopted right?

Grrrh, I am going crazy. I hate this feelings. Speaking of feelings, this new girl is making me feel things. I have been restless ever since I got out from Treenuch's room. They were about to kiss. Are they having something? Is the new girl into girls? Does she like Treenuch? Are they into each other? I hate that I'm feeling this way. It shouldn't bother me. If Treenuch like her then good for the both of them. But why am I not sincerely happy about it? Why do I always have the urge to kiss this new girl anytime I look at her lips. I am completely crazy right now.

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