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Did I do something again? Why did she get sad all of a sudden.

"Please talk to me" I said as I held her tighter.

"Maybe you should go back to whoever that left that on your neck" She said and walked out of the room.

I ran to the mirror to check what's on my neck and my jaw dropped at what I saw. Jade made a hickey? She marked me? What the hell? How do I explain this to Mon now? This is so bad. I sat on the bed confusedly without knowing what next to do.


"Is the gift ready?" I asked Kirk and he answered yes.

The company has prepared a foreign gift for Mr. Chen. His eldest son is getting married in two days time and we don't dare to miss it. We haven't heard from him since that day but we are still keeping hope alive. I will be attending the wedding ceremony in order to remind him about our discussion as well.

"I am sorry I can't attend the wedding with you" he said feeling sad.

"It's fine" I simply answered.

His mum got sick and he would be taking days off starting from tomorrow to take care of her.

"Uhm Treenuch, I noticed that Mr. Chen's daughter has been liking every of your post on Instagram...."

"Good for her" I instantly cut him off. He smiled and left my office.

I let out a sigh when I realized myself. I am thinking about Mon again. It's getting too hard to stop myself from thinking about her. She looks lost these days. It bothers me to think she may be having issues with Sam but I sincerely don't want to get involved. I will continue to pretend not to know nothing as I always do. I no longer enjoy staying at home because I get hurt whenever I see her. I leave the house early and come back late. I purposely work overtime so I can pass some more time here.

"Forget about her Treenuch" I said to myself and got busy with other things.

I just got home from work. Yeah I intentionally stayed out late again as always. I walked in through the back door and was about going to the stairs when Mon came out of the kitchen. She's having a glass of warm milk in her hand. Why is she still awake? She stood still as soon as she saw me. I can't believe I just ran into the person I am trying to avoid.

"You... just got home" she said surprisedly.

"Yeah" I simply replied.

Silence. She isn't talking and I have nothing to say either. Okay the situation is awkward. I am nervous and it's making me uncomfortable. My heart is beating fast. It always beats fast anytime I see her but it's worst now because I didn't expect to see her.

"Uhm... Surprised to see... you're still awake" I finally said and she smiled.

There was an awkward silence again for some minutes. I am completely out of words right now. Maybe I should probably go. I was about going when...

"Want some?" She asked raising the glass.

"Uhm...." I stuttered not sure if I actually want that.

"Come I will make some for you" She said and started walking to the kitchen.

I breathed heavily and followed her to the kitchen. I stood watching her as she prepares the milk. She handed me the glass and we sat at the kitchen balcony. She looks a bit worried as she sips her milk. I smiled nervously at her when our eyes met and looked away instantly.

"You have been coming back home late recently" she finally broke the silence.

She noticed? Good to know she cares at all. I smiled at her and she smiled back. I'm finding it difficult to look straight into her eyes. I feel a little embarrassed probably because I confessed and got rejected.

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