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I can't concentrate. This is evening already but I keep turning and tossing on the bed anytime I want to take a nap. Ever since the new girl ran out of my room, I have been restless. Did I say too much? Did I scare her with my threats? She didn't come to the dinning for lunch as well. That must be because of what I said to her.

Gosh I equally made her cry. Why did I say such to her?

"I shouldn't have. I shouldn't have. I shouldn't have." I said while stamping my feet and walking around my room.

Maybe I should apologize. But why should I? She started it first. She was rude to me. She called me an asshole. I tried as much as possible to snap out of it but couldn't. I thought really hard about it and decided to apologize. There is no harm in saying sorry, right?

I got out of my room to the quarters but I was told that she left with Grandma an hour ago. Where did they go? I decided to sit at the garden since I'm bored in my room.

I have a lot running through my mind. How do I apologize to her? She's a baby and I have no idea how to apologize to babies. I started surfing the internet on how to make a proper apology but stopped when Treenuch walked to me and sat beside me.

"I am sorry about dad's behavior earlier" she said.

"It's fine. You know how he can be sometimes" I replied.


"Maybe you should consider what he said ...." She said

"Treenuch" I called weakly cutting her off.

"Fine. Fine" she said.

I know what she wanted to say. She has equally tried severally to talk me into giving in. I know it's affecting her as well, but I can't give up my dream the way she did. I looked at her and smiled. She smiled back at me softly. I intertwined our hands together. It's been a while we sat together in the garden like this. My mind flashed back to what I saw in the morning. It's the perfect time to ask her.

"Treenuch?" I called softly.

"Hmm?" She answered looking around the garden.

"This morning, in your room..." I began.

"Ahhh, I know you will ask me about it" she said smiling.

"You were about to kiss the new girl, right?" I asked. Just to be sure it was exactly what I saw.

She nodded and that shattered my heart. I can't explain how I felt at that moment.

"I have been feeling weird ever since I met her. Always having the urge to kiss her. I get so nervous when I'm close to her. My heart equally skips beats and I don't know why. It's so strange" she uttered ignorantly.

"What did you just say?" I asked just to be sure I heard right.

"Yes Sam, It's been happening for a while now. Maybe I just need to kiss her to feel better" she said while using her phone.

I am dead shocked right now. my sister is already in love with this new girl. Why would she be feeling this way if she's not in love with her?

Treenuch has never been in love all her life. She doesn't know what it feels like to be in love and she never had a relationship. She only does sex especially when she goes on vacations.

I honestly don't know how this information made me feel. Sad? Happy? Both? I mean I'm happy that Treenuch is finally feeling something for someone but why this new girl? 

"Don't tell me you're nervous around her as well?" She asked turning to me. And I shook my head nervously.

"Lucky you then" she said.

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