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I got home feeling very weak. My mind has been pretty occupied with lots of memories from the past. Why did Jade show up now? I got to my former room and spread myself on the bed while hugging tightly the stuffed toy. My tears started dropping slowly as the memories started hitting me hard. Why am I like this?

I was in my thoughts when a message popped up in my phone. It's from Mon. I instantly opened it.

"You're not in your room. Where are you Khun Sam?" It says.

She's in my room? I quickly dried my tears and sat up. Where should I tell her I am? I sincerely don't want her to come into this room. Pictures of Jade and I together are still here. And I don't want her to see them.

"I am at the rooftop" I texted back.

Well I lied but that's where I wish to run to now. I must have forgotten for a second that the two rooms are close to each other because Mon came out from my room as soon as I got out of this room. Making us stand face to face with each other now.

She's looking at me surprisingly now with a whole lot of confusion. Shit, I just got caught. We were standing stiffly looking at each other when Treenuch came out from her own room.

"Is everything okay? You both look like you have seen a ghost" Treenuch said trying to tease us.

My heart is beating so fast. She will obviously see me as a liar. But you just got caught lying right now Sam.

"I'm going to the rooftop. Do you care to join?" Treenuch asked me.

Seems she wants to drink because she's having a bottle of branded whiskey. I nervously nodded.

"I would like to join as well" Mon said smiling from ear to ear.

Something tells me she's faking the smiles because she's slightly glaring at me right now as we walk to the rooftop. I know I am in trouble. I have a lot of explanation to do later.

We sat on the chair and Treenuch got two glasses. They are for the two of us only. Of course Mon shouldn't drink. She's still a baby. So I thought until...

"Where is my glass?" Mon asked confusedly.

Treenuch and I looked at each other. She can't be serious. She doesn't think we would let her drink, does she?

"I have texted Mrs. Dhom to get you a juice...." Treenuch tried speaking but got cut off instantly.

"I want to drink this with you" she said pointing at the whiskey.

"You can't be serious right?" I tried speaking but she glared at me. Oops I better remain quiet.

"You're still young to take....." Treenuch said.

"I am 23 okay? I am an adult" She said cutting Treenuch off.

Looks like she already made up her mind. I don't wish to say anything anymore since she's upset with me. I don't want to make it worst. I looked at Treenuch who equally looked at me. She's 23 but still a baby. If she gets drunk, grandma will definitely not like it.

"You're not drinking and that's fi....nal" Treenuch tried commanding but Mon grabbed Treenuch's glass and pushed the whole drink into her mouth.

My eyes widened and my jaw dropped when I saw that. She's coughing and smiling excitedly. Did she just finished that in one gulp? I looked at Treenuch who is as shock as I am right now. We sat watching her as she grabs mine as well and drank in a go.

"Now are you ready to give me my own glass or should I drink from the bottle?" She said looking at us with a naughty smile on her lips.

"Uhm.. Mon. You know you shouldn't...." Treenuch stuttered as she tries speaking.

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