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I just arrived at the party venue. A man on suit guided me inside. Gosh! I hate that I am here but I need to. I am really interested in having Mr. Chen as a client so I should play nice and honoring is invitation is a good way of creating the business relationship.

I stood looking around the hall. The decorations and everything is just perfect. They have got some good taste though. My gaze landed on the couple. They are cute together. This is my first time of seeing his eldest son as I only got to see and read about him on TV and newspapers.

"Just like his dad" I murmured.

Yeah he looks so much like his dad but aside the looks, his aura speaks so much of the younger version of Mr. Chen. I had earlier delivered our gift to them, on behalf of the company, in the morning. I hope they like it though.

I took some few steps forward and smirked as a waiter approaches me with a tray wine. I grabbed a glass of wine from the waiter and walked past him.

"Hmmm. Perfecto" I muttered as I sipped the champagne.

"Good to see you know Spanish Miss. Anuntrakul" a familiar voice spoke behind me.

I quickly turned. Oh that's Mr. Chen. He has a beautiful smile on his face. I must confess he's always handsome and looks younger than his age. The children took after him. Of course his daughter is equally here smiling at me as well. Always with Mr. Chen. A daddy's girl I suppose.

"I once had a spanish friend" I replied smiling broadly.

"Friend?" The daughter asked while smiling naughtily.

Was that question necessary and who is she to ask me such?

Well, the Spanish girl and I were not friends though. I met her when I traveled to Spain for vacation some years back. She was a good company but her pay was quite expensive. She was the one teaching me some basic Spanish words. My vacation was only for a month but was fun with her. I like that she was good at her job, remaining professional till the end unlike some others that would want something more along the line.

Bringing us back to the present.... why did she ask me that? I ignored her and smiled at the dad instead.

"You know, I once had a Spanish tutor. He was good at his job but he is no more. I can't speak Spanish but I can understand perfectly" Mr. Chen said and of course I had to fake a smile. 

"I am sorry for your loss Mr. Chen" I said and they started laughing.

What is funny? I became confused for a second until he spoke.

"He is still alive. But doesn't work for me. That's what I mean." He clarified while still smiling.

"Oh. I totally misunderstood you. I apologize for that" I said still faking my smiles.

"Still can't believe I am standing right infront of you for the second time Miss Treenuch. you're more beautiful in person" Mr. Chen's daughter said smiling from ear to ear. Gosh! What is her problem. She called me Treenuch? She obviously knows me more than I thought.

"Bek, behave" Mr. Chen said in an attempt to caution his daughter.

He looked back at me with a smile on his face. I smiled awkwardly back at him. I hate that I am doing this.

"Join us Miss. Anuntrakul" he said.

He is inviting me to the VIP? I am not completely comfortable being there. We aren't even business partners yet so why is he so friendly? I smiled and nodded. I was about leaving with them when I saw Sam. Sam? Sam is here? Does she have any business with Mr. Chen?

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