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I just finished from Khun Treenuch bedroom. It's time to fix Khun Sam's room. I don't know why I feel more nervous around Khun Sam. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that Khun Treenuch is perfect but she doesn't snub me as much as Khun Sam does. This is the second time of cleaning their bedrooms. The first day wasn't funny at all. She had to go downstairs to talk to grandma about it but ended up giving up since Grandma has already made up her mind.

I stood infront of the door, I am so nervous, I know this will be another series of drama but it is my job and no one else will do this except me. I took a deep breath in and out to calm myself and pushed open the door. She's still on bed sleeping soundly. I started spreading the window curtains. I thought that would wake her but it didn't.

I took another look at her. This time I'm captivated. I started admiring every part of her body. She looks so beautiful even when sleeping. I admire Khun Treenuch but not as much as I admire Khun Sam and I don't know why. I stood for some minutes admiring her forgetting my purpose of being in that room. This is bad, I shouldn't look at her this way. I quickly removed my eyes off her and got busy with other things.

I was done with everything except to dress the bed. I'm sorry Khun Sam, I have to wake you now. I approached her and sat on the bed close to her.

"Khun Sam" I said tapping her gently.

She turned to the other side of the bed. I tapped and called her again. This time she used her pillow to cover her ear. I rolled my eyes. I should have grabbed the bedsheet instead. It never works to wake them up gently. But I am soft with her and I don't know why.

"Khun...." I tried calling again

"Go away please" she said in a husky voice and moved to the edge of the bed.

Why does she like saying that? Well I will go away only when I'm done with my job. I grabbed the bedsheet and pulled it up real hard, making her fall off the bed and she groaned in pain. My eyes widened. I didn't intend for that to happen. Did I injure her? I ran to the other side of the bed to meet her.

"Are you okay?" I asked getting really close to her.

"Don't come close" she said raising her finger.

I know you're an asshole but your safety is important to me. I don't want you to get injured all because of my carelessness. I ignored her and held her from behind. She quickly pulled away from me.

"Don't touch me" she said getting up.

I stood confusedly watching her as she struggles to stand up. But I'm sure she landed on her right knee when she fell because her knee is red.

"I am sorry Khun. I didn't mean to..."

"Save it" she simply said and started limping to the bathroom.

I got weak and sad. This is the last thing I wish to happen. She doesn't even allow me to come close to her. I'm sure she hates me the more now. She never liked me since I got here and this would make it worst. I started dressing the bed while holding back my tears. I don't know why I'm tearing up right now. Why am I so sad?

After about an hour, it was time for breakfast. Grandma has been making me eat together with them. I haven't completely snapped out of the mood or over what happened this morning. It got worse when I saw Khun Sam limping as she walks down the stairs to the dinning. My heart shattered. Grandma and Khun Treenuch looked at her worriedly. They must be surprised over why she's limping this morning. She walked straight to her favorite spot which is exactly opposite where I am seated.

"Why are you limping?" Khun Treenuch asked worriedly but Khun Sam ignored her while keeping her usual straight face.

After the food was served everyone started eating. I keep stealing glances at her. Maybe I can read her mood, but because of her expressionless face it was hard for me to do so.

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