The little things

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At John B's
At John B's, around the fire.


We were all laughing, the fire cracking in the back. We all were smiling. That's why being a pogue is so great. We never run out of things to talk about. We have a new story everyday.


"I DIDN'T!" I yelled back.

"YOU TRIED." He yelled.

"I CAN'T DENY THAT!" I screamed. Everyone was laughing at us fight.

"Do you guys hear that?" Sarah asked. Kie's phone.

"Oh crap!" Kiara grabbed it, I could see the panic in her eyes.

"What?" John B questioned.

"I'm late! I'm passed curfew!" She yelled, running to grab all her stuff.

"I'll walk you." I stated, this was getting kinda boring anyways.

"You don't have to-" I cut her off.

"I want to!" I smiled at her, eventually she caved.

We start walking down the street.

"You can go back, you know. It's way cooler over there." She said, I scoffed.

"I like it with you more." Her face turned red.



She smiled at me, but I was already smiling.

"Why so happy?"

"Because I'm with you."

She laughed, her face turning more red. We flirt like this all the time, but we just don't do anything about it. She looked at me, shrugged, then jumped on my back.

"I'm tired, so it's officially your problem." She said, putting her head on my shoulder, and her arms around my neck loosely.

"Yes ma'am." Didn't have a problem with it whatsoever. The street got darker, her grip around me got tighter.

"I hate how sketchy the streets are."

"That's why I wanted to walk you home, I notice the little things, Kie."

"I didn't think anyone really noticed that. What else do you know about me?" She asked.

"You love saving the environment, Bob Marley, and of course, me, because I'm so cool."

"All true." She said, messing up my hair. I smiled.

"That was rude!" I joked, she laughed. Man she has a cute laugh.

Just for the fun of it, I started running, it obviously scared her.

"What are you doing?!" She yelled, holding onto me tighter.

"Don't know." I said, turning my head a little and smiled at her, she gently smacked my arm, causing me to laugh.

"Why do I live so damn far?" She mumbled. She was nervous, I could tell she was, just by the way she was talking.

"I couldn't tell ya. Why are you so nervous?" I asked her. I didn't want her to be nervous.

"I don't know... I guess anything can happen. I usually get scared, it really isn't the safest." She said. Why didn't she tell me? I would of gladly walked her home every night.

"Hm, then I guess I'll have to walk you home more often. I hope you like my presence." I told her, confidently.

"You're presence is great, but I can't ask you to do that." She stated.

"Please, I want to." I said.



"Fine, only if you want to though." She agreed, I was smiling.

"I'd love to."

I could just hear her smiling.

"You know you can put me down, right?"

"Yeah, I just don't want to."




"Because it's more fun this way."

"Is it now?" My smile absolutely grew.

"Hell yeah." I smiled, she laughed at me.

We eventually got to her house, I set her down, but I didn't let go of her. I didn't wanna say goodnight yet.

"See you tomorrow?" She asked. I nodded and smiled at her.

We stood there for a minute. I couldn't look away from her, she couldn't look away from me. She put her hands on my shoulders and kissed my cheek.

"Thanks, Jayj." She said with a smile. I was speechless, no words could come out of my mouth. Instead, I kissed her. We both smiled, breaking it apart.

"Anytime, Kie." I said, I waited for her to get inside before walking away. She was home safe, and that's all that matters.

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