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None of us have seen jj in an hour like he promised us. The way he said it would only take a minute. Here to the beach to get his board he "left", yeah right.

Im not at the beach. I think we all know where I went.

J, i swear, if you don't come back in like 10 seconds. Then the door swung open.

I run through the door, my shirt torn, my nose bleeding, starting to form a purple hue. Kie was the first to run up, gasping, seeing the state I was in. The way she ran up, pulled me into the chateau bathroom.

"Kie, kie, relax im fine!" I Tell her, reaching out for her hands, taking them in my own, gently rubbing them with my thumbs.

"Nono! You're hurt, jj!" She pulled away slowly.

One foot to my ribs, a fist to my jaw, another to my nose. My fist into his gut.

I didn't want to see her so upset.

She's digging through the cabinets until she finds what she needs.

"Kie, I'm fine!" I tell her.

My feet left the ground, my back hit the wall. My feet lifted to push him off. It didn't work.

I can see her heart beating out of her chest. Her voice laced with so much worry. My heart sinks when I see her with this kind of body language.

She notices my shirt, points at it, begging me with her eyes to let her see it. I comply, I take it off. The middle of my abs, cuts scattered around it.

My body slams onto the pavement, then dragged a few feet before I can fight back.

She knows me so well.

"Oh, jj..." she says, heartbreak in her voice. Her hands meet my abs slowly rubbing the cut. Her hands are gently, and shaky.

I grab him, throwing him across the yard.

I never wanted to see her this upset.

"Hey... I'm okay. I promise you." I sit up tight, grabbing her hands again. I'm already sitting on the counter, so I pull her between my legs. The tears in her eyes break my heart. My arms wrap around her back, rubbing it slowly. She's not open with her feelings, but right now, I can see right through her.

He grunts in pain, the bottle he had, shatters onto the ground, surrounding his side.

She's calming me down. She makes me feel something no one else can make me feel.

"JJ, let me help... please..." she begs, voice breaking more every syllable.

The alcohol filling the air, the scent making me sick because it's his.

She doesn't know how crazy I am about her. She doesn't know how I feel about her. We're always this close.

"Do whatever you need to. I need to see you smile, Kie." I said. I didn't care how it went out, and I didn't want it to go back in. I said what I said.

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