Together- the girls side.

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JJ and Kiara were laying in the hammock at the Château, waiting on their slow friends to get ready.

JJ pulled a blunt out of his pocket.

"Oh my god- yes please." Kiara said. It made JJ laugh, he handed it to her first. They passed it back and forth.

"JOHN B, HURRY THE HELL UP." They heard Sarah yell from inside.

"NO!" He yelled back.

"I WILL YANK YOUR WEAVE RIGHT OFF YOUR HEAD!" Sarah screamed. Kie couldn't help but laugh.

"IM COMING, MY LOVE." John B yelled desperately.

While they were screaming inside, kie and jj we're dying laughing outside. The hammock shifted uncontrollably.

"Let's not let them sit together for about an hour, otherwise one of them is going to bring it up." JJ told the brunette.

"Deal. They're great together and all, but this... this is dangerous." Kiara told him, he chuckled lightly.

"My boy won't have hair. We gotta save the rats nest he calls hair." JJ told her, jokingly shaking his head, staring at the ground.

"Sarah's gonna have a fist full of knots." Kie nodded.

They sat there, passing jokes back and forth until the couple came outside.

"Finally!" Kiara yelled, sitting up.

"We've been waiting this whole time!" JJ yelled.

Kie glared at JJ, now they're gonna relive the story. BOTH sides of the story, even though they heard the whole fight from outside. JJ knew John B was probably trying to brush his hair out, based on what Sarah yelled. Kie knew Sarah probably had to do something small, like brush her teeth, or touch up her makeup. They both shared there side of the the same time.

"Look what you did, Jayj!" Kie mumbled, she didn't even know JJ could hear her, the couple was so loud.

"It's not my fault! No wonder they say they do everything together." JJ mumbled back.

Kiara smiled. The word "Together" made her happy, especially around JJ. For some reason, she couldn't shake the thought of him saying it, out of her head. She replayed it. "Together.", "Together.", "Together." And that's what she wants to be with JJ. Always together. She's happiest with him, their bond has always been strong, she wanted it to be stronger. She wanted to take things up a couple notches. She just didn't know how he felt yet. He's not one to talk about his feelings, she really isn't either. Her mindset stopped after someone snapping in her face.

"..kie? Kiaraaa- kie! Hey, you!" She turned, seeing JJ staring at her, and the couple not bickering anymore. "You're randomly smiling and blushin. What did you do?" He asked, crossing his arms with a light smirk on his face.

"Nothin, don't worry about it." She shrugged, keeping a smile on her face. She looked at Sarah and nodded. We'll talk later. Sarah nodded back.

"Woah- there's some female communication happening here." John B said, putting his hands up.

"I don't know what you mean." Sarah said with an innocent smile.

"I don't like it!" John B said.

"Cry." Kie said with a smile, getting up and out of the hammock, pulling Sarah inside.

The boys stayed outside in shock.

"WAY TO BE DISCREET!" JJ yelled. He was smiling a little, but he was also confused.

"Shut up, JJ! You found out what that word meant yesterday!" Kiara yelled. Obviously, she was joking.

It's always been jokes between them. It made them happy they could be that comfortable around each other. She loved messing with him, he loved how she messed with him. It really goes both ways. They know their limits, and what not to joke about. Sometimes they'll accidentally offend each other, but quickly make up for it. They really can't be mad at each other for that long. They never could be. It was nearly impossible with them!

"Alright, so, what was that all about?" Sarah asked with a smirk.

"You know what!" The brunette exclaimed.

"Thinking about JJ, are we?" Sarah smirk. Kie nodded. She was even smiling at his name.

She learned how to keep those feelings and actions in when she was around JJ. It made her happy to know they were close, but sometimes her read through her and joked about it. She just pushed him away, scared he'd find out.

"Obviously!" She mumbled, scared they'd hear.

"Just make a move. What were you even thinking about?" Sarah asked.

"Ha... umm, when you and John B fought... he said the word "together" which is replaying over, and over, in my head. I can't get it out! It's all I can think about right now! I know he didn't mean anything towards us, but... it just stuck!" Kie said, a huge smile plastered on her face as she talked.

"Girl, you got it bad. Go get your man." Sarah nudged.

"He's not mine. I doubt he will be." Kie looked at the floor. She knew the guys could see them through the window so she picked her head up almost immediately.

"Kie, you're going to have to make a move. You really don't know until you try. Besides, if it doesn't work out, worst case scenario: you move on. If JJ doesn't like you, screw him. We'll make him regret giving you up if that happens, but I doubt it will. He's all over you dude. He really likes you." Sarah stated. She was right.

"Let's try it." Is the last thing that came out of kies mouth, before Sarah dragged her outside.

"Shit, they're coming!" JJ yelled.

What was that all about?

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