The accident.

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KIE, 5 hours before
Working at the wreck wasn't the easiest job, but I know my way around there. I've know this place in and out. Every crack in the wall, even stain on the floor, every regular customer. We didn't have too much staff today, fact, it was basically just me all day. My parents decided to go on a little trip.

A little is an understatement.

I wasn't trying to be a slow worker, just something didn't feel right. I picked up my phone.

2 texts from "Jayj<3"

I guarantee those texts alone, gave me motivation.

Jayj<3: Goodmorning❤️-sent at 10:27
Jayj<3: you at work?- sent at 10:43
Me: mornin, yeah, it's busy as fuck, sorry- sent at 10:52
Jayj<3: don't apologize.- sent at 10:52
Jayj<3: I'm coming to see you whether you like it or not.- sent at 10:53
Me: then hurry up, bitch- sent at 10:55
Jayj<3: whatever. I love you- sent at 10:55
Me: I love you too- sent at 10:55

I set my phone down. There was already a customer yelling at me. I was trying to explain there's a minor wait, but they just kept yelling.

The door swung open. I immediately smiled.

There's my blonde idiot.

This dude was still fighting with me, I put my head in my hands. I was STRESSED and I think JJ took notice of that.

"Sorry, I don't think you're understanding. Go sit down, leave her alone." JJ said, pulling him away from me.

He walked back over, jumping the counter. No, he didn't work here, I don't know what he was doing. He kissed me and hugged me.

"You alright?" He asked, moving some hair out of my face.

I nodded and kissed his cheek.

"What're you doing back here?" I asked.

"I'm gonna help my girlfriend, you?" He said, grabbing a uniform.

"JJ, you really don't have to-" I was cut off.

"Nono, kie. You're too stubborn to admit you need help, and that's what I'm gonna give you. I'll take orders, you cook, because I can't cook for shit, okay?" He declared. I nodded and hugged him.

God, I love this man.

We spent about three hours there, until we decided to close early. I was extremely tired, overworked. I think he took notice of that too.

"Kie, you okay?" He gently grabbed my arms.

"Yeah, just a little tired." I smiled. I grabbed a rag, getting ready to clean, but he stopped me.

"I got it, okay? You go sit down." He told me.

"No, JJ, it's fine." I said. It really was fine, I would just go home and sleep after work.

It was almost 3 o'clock, which wasn't my best timing to shut the wreck down for the day, but it just worked better. Me and JJ worked pretty hard though.

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