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THIS IDEA CAME FROM samanthaabriel_



I know I shouldn't have left, everything was great. John B's was a great place to stay... until it wasn't. I felt like a burden. I feel like I'm overstaying, but I'm probably just overthinking. I don't care though.

Before I realized I was opening the door, Kie was in my mind. What am I doing?! And he was there. I pushed passed him, running to my room.

"JJ, boy, get back here!" He didn't run after me, he walked. Either way, my heart stops beating every time.

"I'm good, thanks!" I yelled, I quickly shut my door and barricaded it. That'll hold him.

For now.

A few minutes passed, there banging, but it fell to silence.

Did he pass out?

I grab my things, as I'm packing, the doorknob falls to the floor, the door swings open. A broken bottle in hand.

Oh shit.


JJ didn't text me back. He was supposed to pick me up to go to John B's. It's been 20 minutes over time.

I get a call from John B.

Yo, kie, is JJ with you?

No? He was supposed to get me 20 minutes ago.

Shit. Go to his house. Now!

WHY IS HE THERE?? He's there?? Whys he home?!

No time to explain. Go!

I immediately hung up. I ran downstairs, stole my dads keys and immediately drove.

The car ride was just me being nervous, scared, worried. I didn't wanna go there and see JJ dead on the floor.

What if he was?

What if I'm too late?

What if he's hurt?

What if it's all my fault?

Before I know it, I'm at JJ's. I grab a shovel I can use to hit Luke if I need to. I knock. There's a little noise in there, it's moving further from the door. I knock louder, quickly hiding.

Luke walks out with blood on his fists.

I can't tell if it's his... or JJ's.

He looks around impatiently, he turns around. As soon as he does, im on my feet charging at him. I hold the shovel in front of me, and I knock him down. I run inside. Inside, there was JJ. He was out of breath, bleeding, and full of bloody fingerprints that will most likely bruise over.

"Kie, what the hell are you doing here?!" He yelled. I knew he wasn't mad, just acting like it.

"Saving your ass." I said. I grabbed his hands to make sure they were okay. Two knuckles split, the rest the blood oozed onto, and covered how bruised they were.

"You need to go!" He told me.

"Not without you!" I fought. I carefully grab his hand and pull him to the door, but immediately stopped by Luke.

I gently shove JJ back. Luke and I stare each other down. JJ stands behind me, I know he's waiting to swing.

"Don't. Touch. Her." He warned.

"And if I did?" Luke tested,

"You wouldn't be breathing anymore" JJ told him.

"TCH. All this fighting for a girl?! Not even just a girl, a kook." Luke joked.

It pissed JJ off. JJ, moved me behind him.

"Don't. Talk. To. Her. Either." JJ said sternly, he stood tall in front of him.

I pulled JJ back and made a run to his room. I opened his window.

"Go." I told him.

"What?! Im not leaving until I know your safe, kie!" He yelled.

"Trust me! Go!" I looked him in the eyes.

He kissed me and dove out, i couldn't think anything of it right now.

I shut it behind him. I ran out of his room. Luke was headed outside, I pushed him off the deck. He fell to his knees, JJ came running and tackled him. He threw punches left and right until Luke was out cold.

He stood up, panting.

"Kie, are you okay?" He asked running back over to me.

I smiled, "don't worry about me. You're all cut up..." I said.

There was a small gash on his lip. I gently wiped the blood off with my thumb, making me remember the kiss. How it felt, how much I wanted his lips on mine, the feeling of him being close to me, the moment together, how it made me feel.

"Kie..." he breathed out.

We were making full fledged eye contact now. We both slowly lean in until our lips connect. It felt perfect. It was perfect.

After moments go by, we pull away.

"Let's get you cleaned up." I say, dragging him to my car, giving him absolutely no choice.

We get back to the chateau, and I rush him to the bathroom. He hops up on the counter, leaving me to stand between his legs.

"This will only hurt a little, okay?" I tell him.

I give him my hand to hold and squeeze. I start cleaning him up, he lightly squeezes my hand and winces.

After I finish, we stay like that for a minute. He kisses me again.

"Kie , I love you." He states.

I smile and kiss him.

"I love you too, J."


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