You Wanna Repeat That, Buddy?

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Sitting on the beach, staring at my boyfriend. His eyes drawn to the sun. The world stops spinning. I feel dizzy just looking at him. Nervousness is washed over with a calm storm of emotions. All of the best ones.

His light blue eyes are twinkling under the sun. The smile radiates the sunlight. His perfect body radiating heat. My personal heater. I can see he spaced out, but it's a gorgeous sight.

All I do is hold tightly onto his arm, nuzzling my face into his shoulder. I feel him shift, then his lips meet the top of my head, chuckling to himself.

"Comfortable?" He asks, still chuckling.

"Mhmm!" I hum, slowly meeting his eyes.

He pulls his arm out of my grasp, wrapping it around me instead. He passionately kisses my head again. I smile at him, burying my face into the side of his body.

"Baby, I took you here to look at the sunset, not to hide!" He laughs, rubbing my back.

"I like it here." I mumble, breathing him in.

"I like you here." He said, smiling down at me like an idiot.

"Cheesy ass!" I say, jokingly pushing his face away.

His head turns to the side. He grabs my hand, kissing it gently.

"Aggressive, are we?" He smirks.

I giggle, putting my head on his shoulder. I put my knees over his thigh. "You know it, baby!" I exclaim.

We laugh together. It's like a melody and harmony to a song. Not just any song though. The song you could put on repeat for hours. It's truly unforgettable, and you could never get sick of it. I know I can't.

"Kie, do you hear that?" JJ asks, turning his head, tightening his grip on me.

I shake my head and stand. I start looking around, but then I feel his arms wrap tighten. My feet are lifted off the ground. I scream and then I hit the water. JJ's arms are still wrapped around me. We pop up together, and of course, he's smirking. I push his head away, making him laugh.

His eyes meet mine, he's laughing now, he leans in to kiss my forehead. It's not a short forehead kiss. It's a long one. It feels like eternity. Moments pass, and he slowly pulls back. I smile, wrapping my legs around his waist.

"Jayj, I think we should go inside. I'm cold and these are my only good clothes here." I whine, burying my face in his chest. 

"Aww, is someone mad?" He mocks me in a baby voice.

"Ew! You bitch!" I laugh, gently pushing his forehead again.

I start swimming away, but JJ has other ideas. He grabs my leg and pulls me back.

"Come on, baby, I just wanna be alone with you! Once we go inside, we can't do that anymore." He says with a smile.

I fight my smile. "I know but I'm cold, jayj!"

"Then hug me!" He exclaims

"Babe, you're cold too! I'm sorry, but I'm cold!" I pout.

"Oh, Kie... please don't give me that look..." he begs.

I start to give him my sad puppy eyes. He sighs, giving in. He picks me up, taking me out of the water. My legs wrap around his waist. My giggles make him laugh, and he adjusts his grip to under to butt to support me. The wind picks up. The wet clothes on my skin make me shiver.

JJ moves a hand to my back. "Shh, shh. Kie, we're almost inside." He coos.

The hand on my back pushes my shirt forward and off my skin. His hand is met with my bare skin. He rubs my back while he walks.

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