Groupchat- Bluetooth

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JJ said he'd be here, even though I told no. I'm probably trippin, but for now I ain't. I'm scared. What if he gets hurt? What if he's gonna fall off his bike.

Oh my god, I'm trippin.

I hear the familiar sound of JJ's bike. I cover my ears with my pillow. Moments later, I hear tapping. I get up, groaning, and walk over. I reach my window, and slide it open. JJ slides through with flowers and chocolate.

"Come here, you." He says. He basically tackles me into a hug. I hum, but quickly hug back. "You okay, kie?" He asks. I nod quickly.

I smile, grabbing his hand. I sit on my bed, and he stands in front of me. I scoff, pulling him to sit.


My idiot.

He hands me flowers. My favorite. White roses and daisies. Something I told JJ alone, years ago. When I thought he was never gonna be mine. When I thought he couldn't like me.

Oh my god, does he like me?

Wait, no, does he love me??

Am I good enough.

"...babyyyy?" JJ shook me gently. I snapped back into reality.

"Sorry, what?" I asked.

"Are you crying?" He questioned.

I reached up to feel my face and tears. Oh my god, I'm crying. I'm such a baby. Why does this man like me?

He chuckles. "Sweetheart, what's goin on?" He asked.

"I don't know!" I yelled, tears streaming down my face.

Fuck the hormones bro.

"Okay- okay. I'm sorry." He smiled.

I just cried harder. I couldn't stop either. I just ran into my bathroom, locked the door, and sobbed against the door. I'm gonna lose him! I'm gonna drag him away! This is why I didn't want him here when I'm like this. It's not his job to take care of his hormonal girlfriend. That's my job. Never his. I can't weigh him down that way. I could never weigh him down that way. I don't wanna hurt him. I couldn't let myself. I'm yelling at him!

"Kie! Kie, let me in!" He begs, playing with the doorknob.

"No, I'm being mean to you!" I exclaimed.

"It's not your fault! I promise! Can I come in, kie?"

I open the door. It may be slow, but it's open. JJ pushes the door open, grabbing my hands. He plants kiss, after kiss, all over my face. It makes me giggle, and it makes him smile.

"Jayj?" I look up at him.

"Yeah, kie?"

"Why do you love me?" I sniffle out.

He laughs, then realizes I'm serious.

"You're crazy to not know why period. I do more than love you, I'm in love with you. I'd do anything for you. That's the crazy part about it all. I'll prove that to you. I'd do anything to prove that to you. Kiara, I'd protect you with my life. You know that, right? You're amazing. I fell in love with you, because you're amazing. You're perfect. You've always been perfect. In my eyes, you'll always be perfect. I pulled the prettiest girl in the outerbanks. The girl everyone wants. But I'm the one that love you the most. I treat you the way i do, because you deserve it. You've done everything for me, and I'm just getting started. You're amazing. Know that." He finishes, kissing my head.

I can't stop smiling. He hands me a bar of chocolate, which makes me smile more.

"There's that pretty smile!" He exclaims, gently pulling my cheek. "Wait, wait!" He stops me. He takes the chocolate out of my hands. Before I know it, he's wiping tears off my cheeks, with a smile. He knows my hormones are a mess, so he just chuckled. He starts unwrapping it for me, then hands it back. I smile, gladly taking a bite, as he wipes the tears trailing down my face. "There we go, baby." He says in a low whisper, tucking my hair behind my ear.

I smile, giggling. I put the bar in front of his mouth, which he takes a bite of, making me smile more.

I tuck myself into his side, putting my legs over his lap, and my head on his shoulder. He chuckles, kissing the top of my head, and cupping my cheek, while his other hand wraps around me and rubs my leg.

"You're so cute. How did I get soo lucky?" JJ asks, making me giggle. "You're so cuddly when you're on your period, I like it. You should be on it all the time." He says.

I laugh a little, and set the chocolate aside. He smiles, kissing the side of my head.

"Jayjjj, can we lay down?" I ask, giving him puppy dog eyes.

"You didn't even have to give me those eyes. It just means I gotta tuck you in quicker." He says, climbing up to his feet, holding me.

He lays me down, and my head hits the pillows. I smile, watching him. He pulls the blankets over my head. I laugh, and he pulls it to my neck.

"Peek-a-boo!" He says, laughing. It makes me laugh, so it got him to smile.

He hops over me, lying on the other side. His hand draped over my waist, and his chin on my shoulder.

"Whatcha thinking about?" He asks me.

"You." I answer.

"What about me?" He asks, smirking and blushing.

"The real question is what not about you? I think about everything you do. Everything about you." I tell him.

"Well, aren't you sweet?" He mocks. I gently push his head back, and turn so we're face to face. "Woah, easy tiger. I don't want you moving too fast. You'd be in more pain." He whispers, grabbing my hands.

"Baby, I'd be in pain either way. Cramps. Hurt." I tell him with a giggle.

"Then let's watch a movie and cuddle." He plans.

He grabs my laptop, flipping it open. He places it on our legs. Eventually, he turns on Jumanji.

At this point we're about 40 minutes into the movie. I feel my stomach twist. I wince, putting my knees on his hips. He sits up on his elbows, looking at me. He picks the laptop up and puts it by his feet.

"Hey, you okay?" He asks.

I just nod. My stomach continues to twist in a familiar and unfamiliar way. I wince again, turning my back to him, clutching my stomach. I feel a cold, calloused hand on my hip. He smiles, dragging his hand to my stomach. He pulls the hem of my shirt up, putting his hand there instead. My shirt drapes back over his hand. He gently rubs my stomach, pulling my back tight to his chest.

"I gotcha, kie. Don't worry. I'm not going anywhere until I know you're okay. I don't wanna leave your side. I wouldn't leave your side. You have me wrapped around your finger. I'm not leaving." He says, holding me tighter.

I put my hand over his. I squeeze it gently, intertwining our fingers. I love the feeling. I let go of his hand, and turn towards him. I nuzzle my head into his chest. I love the feeling. I love him.


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