Bluetooth 2

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I put my hand over his. I squeeze it gently, intertwining our fingers. I love the feeling. I let go of his hand, and turn towards him. I nuzzle my head into his chest. I love the feeling. I love him.


As I hold Kie, I physically feel her stomach cramp. My heart aches. She shifts in my arms and all I can is watch. Then she winces. Loud.

"Baby, baby... is there anything I can do to help??" I beg, sitting up, holding her up.

"Can you get me water?" She asks.

Her eyes say it all. She's in enough pain, she doesn't even wanna ask for help. I just have to offer. Something like this, I take with pride. As soon as she makes the request, I lay her back down. I pull the covers over her body. I leave a gentle kiss on her forehead.

"Of course." I agree, running downstairs quietly. Her mom's down there, folding laundry.


I have a new plan. I go back to kie's room, crawl out the window, and run to her front door. I knock. After a few seconds, Anna opens it.

"Hi, JJ!" She smiles. "Kiara's upstairs."

"Oh, sweet, umm.. I heard she's on her period... I already gave her flowers and chocolate. She texted me.. said she needs water.." I stutter.

She laughs at my answer.

"JJ, you're free to everything here. Go right ahead. I even told kie I trusted you guys, and you can shut the door." She confesses.

I audibly gasped. I smiled too.

Bad choice.

Very bad choice.

Not for me!

For her!

"Thank you." I say. I hug her, then walk in, grabbing kie a recyclable cup from the cabinet. I get her water, and I walk back upstairs.

I can hear her moan in pain from outside the door.

Shit. How long did I fucking take?

I rush in, and shut the door.

Hehe... the door can stay shut.

She looks up at me, tears streaming down her face.

Oh shit.

Oh fuck.

I swear to god, what the hell made her cry? I'm gonna break it in half.

"I thought you left..." she whispers.

"Nonono- no, baby, I'd never leave you like this. I had to do a mom check-in. Didn't want her to think I still sneak through your window... told me we could shut the door now too." I tell her, crawling back in bed with her. I help her sit up, and I hand her the cup.

She puts the cup down, then tackles me into a hug. I quickly hug back, kissing the top of her head.

"Baby, why are you crying?" I ask, rubbing her back slowly.

"I thought you left!" She sobs out.

"Nono, I'm so sorry... I'm here now... I'm here." I promise, whispering into her hair.

Im such a dick. I should've just let her mom find me upstairs. She wouldn't have been crying. I couldn't do that to her, even if I tried. This girl owns my heart. To let her think I'd leave her alone at a time like this, breaks me.

"I love you. I'm sorry" she whispers.

"I love you too. What are you sorry for?" I asks, tucking her hair behind her ear, and wiping her tears with my thumbs.

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