Creepy Employee.

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I walked into the Chateau. My head hangs low. JJ's hoodie tightened my neck and jaw. My hands tremble as I walk in. When I walk in, I see the two dorks playing video games on the couch, and Sarah mindlessly sitting in his lap. I'm tied out of my mind. If I had the strength, I'd run right to JJ. But instead, I ban myself from it. My legs take me to the hammock. I frown to myself. I sit in the hammock, silencing my phone completely. The space between my jaw and neck, recklessly covered up by a childish bandaid. Sarah walks out, she must've noticed I was there.

"Hun, you okay?" She asks.

I nod. That's I'll I can do. All I can think to do. It's not her problem. Along with my boyfriend's problem. Or brothers.

"Kie, there's no way you're being for real." She sighs.

I just ignore. Leaning back and falling asleep almost instantly.


I walk back into the Chateau.

"Boys!" I yell. No response. They're just yelling at each other.


I stand in front of John B, completely distracting him. He shifts all his attention on me, not even touching his game right now.

"What's up, babe?" He asks, smiling and grabbing my hands.

"Ughh- this isn't fair. I don't have my girl right now." JJ whines, tossing his head back.

"Actually, that's who I'm boutta talk about, so shutcho whiney bitchass up for like 20 seconds." I say, making them both laugh.

"What about her?" He asks.

John B squeezes my hands, "she here?" He asks, looking around.

"Uh, yeah, she's in the hammock, but wait!" I yell, making JJ stop moving. "Something isn't right!" I plead.

"What do you mean?" They ask at the same time.

"I don't know, when she walked in, she was spacing a little, and she looked at JJ, smiled a little, frowned, then went out to the hammock. Then I went to see what was up. All she could do was nod, but slowly, scrunching her face up every time. But then I asked her if she was actually okay, she just fell asleep." I finish.

JJ lightly shakes his head. "They overwork her to shit over there." He finishes, quickly getting up to go get her.


I make my way outside, seeing my girl on the hammock. Her hoodies tight around her neck. I'm worried it'll choke her. I move it slightly and she shifts away from my hand, groaning, but I know she's still asleep.

"Kie- wake uppp." I whisper, gently shaking her, being really careful.

She slowly pushes herself up and fails miserably. She just falls face first back down. She hisses in pain.

"You okay, princess?" I ask her, rubbing her back. All she does is nod. "You sure?" I ask again. She hums in response.

I pick her up and take her inside. We sit at the dining room table. Sarah and John B make conversation with us, as I set Kie down in the chair. I stand behind her, gently rubbing her shoulders, making my way to her neck. I feel something uneven and she cries out in pain. She quickly covers her mouth, putting her head down.

"Kie, what is it? Is there something on your neck that hurts?" I question, kneeling down beside her chair. Sarah and John B get up, swarming the chair. I grab close to the edge of her chin, pulling her head towards mine. Tears swelling in her eyes, making me grab her cheeks, looking at her. I slowly pull her hood down. "Can I take your hoodie off?" I ask her.

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