You Know You're On My Mind

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General POV

Kie sets her phone on a nearby tree.

"JJ, will you please make a TikTok with me?" She asks him, batting her eye lashes.

He groans. "Fine, fine!" He takes his steps towards me, standing beside me with his hands on his hips. "What's the TikTok, babe?"

I smile, "well the songs gonna start, and when it says 'you know you're on my mind' just do something cute by the shore!"

He smiles, rolling his eyes. "Okay, let's do it!" He exclaims.

I run to my phone, starting a 10 second timer. I jog back to him, intertwining our fingers. He looks over at me and smiles. He slowly starts to lean in. Unfortunately, before he can kiss me, we hear the three second warning. Damnit.

It starts playing the song, and we run to the shore together. He lifts me off my feet, pulling me tight to his chest. Like second nature, I lock my arms around his neck, kissing his lips. We spin, but when my feet touch the ground, his hands stay locked with mine. He raises our arms up, guiding mine in a circle to spin. I laugh and roll my eyes. The sunset makes it hard to see my cheeks heat up.

He laughs, then kisses me again.

We start to hear the music replaying. He picks me back up, and runs me to the phone.

We both laugh as I swat his chest. When we're in sight of the video, it starts over. I look at JJ, who's watching very intently.

In the video, our silhouettes make the sunset look so much brighter. I think that may be his eyes though. Im lost in them. I can't even watch the video, thanks to him. God, I love him.

"Thank you." I mumble, putting my hand on his cheek, drawing his cheek closer to my lips. I let my lips linger for a moment before slowly pulling away. I lay my head on his shoulder, and he looks down, smiling at me.

"Anytime, princess." He says quietly, not wanting to ruin the beautiful peace that washed over us.

He kisses me again.

"Happy anniversary, Kie."

"Happy anniversary, jayj."

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