Groupchat- Breakups

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General POV.

JJs about a corner away, trying to find his girl. Well, not yet at least. He hops up to her window. The light taps don't seem to work. He knocks a little harder. The curtains starts to get pushed aside. When they open, he's met with the girl he was looking for. Her hair up in a bun. Her eyes puffy from crying. Mascara chipping off her cheeks. Spandex and a tanktop.

How could Danny let a girl like this go?

The window slides open, and he crawls in. His arms are wide open, waiting for this girl to run into him. She does as soon as they're open. Her smile, turned into a small set of tears.

"Oh, Kie..." he begs her silently.

"I didn't think you'd come." She whispered.

What did this dickhead do to her? What did he say to her? What didn't she tell him?

"Of course I'd come. Why wouldn't I?" He asked her.

"Because I'm me." She murmurs.

"What's wrong with that? That's why I showed up, kie. Because of you." He tells her.

"Thank you..." she says, holding him tighter.

"Don't thank me." He states.

Of course, as gentle as he's being, he's still absolutely livid about Danny. He cheated on this priceless woman. This amazing, priceless girl. This girl has the biggest heart and smile. Makes any person melt. She's always affected JJ more than anyone else in the entire world. He turns into a puddle just by looking into her beautiful brown eyes. She's done the same with his beautiful blue eyes.

"Kie, do you wanna talk about it?" He suggests.

She shakes her head and buries her head in his chest. That's her space spot. It's where she's belongs. They both know it too. She wants to be there. JJ wants her there. His arms will always be known as "Kie's spot." No one else can take that from her. No one else can take him he's pinned to this girl. Gladly, too.

He pulled back on her. It left her confused and sad. He smiled and kissed her forehead. He reached for her desk. She looked at his hand and saw makeup wipes. He smiled at her, winking as he took one out. The wipe met her skin. He was gentle, but he did it so well. Her eyes softened and so did his. They feel the same. It's so obvious.

"I thought you were about to leave..." she whispers.

"Kie, how bad did this asshole fuck you up? I'd never leave. I'd never leave you like this. Danny might've been a dick, but I'd never treat you like that, princess." JJ conveys.

Her heart skips a beat.

He smiles, noticing how she's nervously biting her lip.

Did he say something wrong, or totally right?

The answer is both. Of course Danny fucked her up. And she should know he wouldn't do that. They both had to understand the other person right now. But that was too much for Kie to process right now. Danny convinced her she was the bottom of the list. But to JJ, there never was a list. It was Kie. It was a no-brainer at that point.

He kisses her forehead the way he said he would.

"Kie, you're the most beautiful girl on this planet. I didn't know there was anyone stupid enough to throw you away. Everyday, I wanna give you the biggest kiss. I wanna be the guy you wake up next to. I wanna be the one to text you "Goodmorning" and "goodnight" everyday. Send you sweet texts. Well, more of them. You happen to love my texts, I know. But seriously Kie. I wanna make a move on you. More than I have. Take it up a notch. I want this to be you and me. Not you and some ass that can't treat you as good as I can. I wanna show you off. I wanna rub it Danny's face how lucky I am. I'd never do that to you. And if you want to, let me prove it. I'll prove that to you any day. My heart beats for you. My heart beats faster and faster when you walk in the room, but somehow you make me calm. I don't know what kind of spell you have on me, Carrera, but it's working. Know that. I'm someone you could never lose, no matter how hard you tried. Yeah, there's a million ways I could fuck this up, but cheating on you, being unfaithful to you, not being loyal, not giving you my 100% all the time. I will always give you that 100%, because you make me 100% happy. There's never a dull moment when I'm with you. You're my good luck charm, kie. You're my everything. Let me prove that to you." JJ tells her taking a step forward.

At this point, Kie's in shambles. Her heart is being held together by his hands. They both know that now. They ways she's looking at him confirms everything.

It's always been him too.

He leans in, and she follows suit. When their lips touch, fireworks erupt in his brain, and music plays in hers.

"I wanna be the girl for you, JJ. I've always wanted that. But you didn't do relationships. I've always wanted to be the girl you put on the back of your bike. The girl that wears your shirt everywhere. I don't want that to be dirty either. I want people to think I'm just wearing my mans shirt. I want people to know I could be yours. I want people to know I'm taken. I want people to know I'm dating the best surfer in the OBX. I want to be the one that holds you when you're crying or sad, or just need a hug. I'm that person anyways. You can't get rid of me, and there's no way you'd fuck it up. I love this JJ. The one that never lets me down. The one who's always watching me, to make sure I'm safe. The one that has these beautiful blue eyes that light up when you smile. My boy. The most beautiful man on this planet. You're gorgeous, J. I'd never let you think otherwise." She finishes.

They're both in tears. At the same time, their hands meet each other's cheeks. Wiping the others tears with their thumbs. Smiling at one another because that really just happened. That's them. This is Jiara. They belong together. They need each other.

They wrap each other up in another hug, smiling. Their smiles are wider than anything smile they've smiled before. The laugh, slowly pulling away, but their arms never stop touching each other. Her head meets his chest. His hand clasps to the back of her head gently. He kisses the top of her head.

"I love you, Kiara." He says, meaning every last word.

"I love you too, Jayj." She replies. You can tell she meant it.

We all know.



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