Jealous- Kie.

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John B invited us to this party, and by "us", I mean JJ and I. Apparently it was small, which I was okay with. I don't really like big parties anymore. Time feels like it's ticking then.

"Babe, you ready?" JJ asked, knocking on the door.

"Uh- almost..." I wasn't totally lying.

He laughs, "I know you aren't, but please try and hurry, we're gonna be late!" He told me.

"Ugh- Okok..." I agreed.

I usually never dressed up. I hate doing it, it's so much effort just for someone else to validate you. It also makes me feel more insecure. You get ready in normal clothes, you're just pretty, but if you have this massive ball gown on, you're the most beautiful person ever. But, tonight I was told to, so I will.

My hair was straight, and I thought it was pretty. I have a tight and short black dress on. I might steal JJs jacket just for fun, but he doesn't have to know. But I'm wearing tennis shoes, I hate heels.

"Babeee!" JJ yelled from downstairs.

I run out, my make-up's simple, I look okay, my earrings are normal, bracelets are normal, I don't feel much different. JJ, of course, is less dressed up, but still is wearing a nice shirt.

"Kie, I-" he stopped talking when he saw me hustling down the stairs.

"Sorry, sorry, I lost track of time, and I-" he cut off my rambling with a kiss.

"You look so pretty." He said with a smile, slowly pulling away.

"You look very handsome, silly." I told him, gently kissing his forehead.

We almost walked out.

"Wait, wait, wait!" He said, he ran upstairs, and ran back down. "You're gonna get cold, please take this." He said.

I didn't even have to steal his jacket, he gave it to me. He slid it on me, and walked me to the car.

He's so sweet.

What did I do to deserve him?

I love him so much.

Why did he choose me?

He's so handsome.

Why is he wasting his time with me?

So many thoughts run through my head, but they stop when he puts his hand on my thigh.

"You okay? You're acting how you do when you're anxious. What happened?" He questioned taking his eyes off the road briefly.

"Oh, nothing, just kinda spaced out, sorry." I told him.

"You know you can tell me anything right?" He told me.

"Yeah, of course I do, why?" I asked.

"Because I know when something's wrong. I'm your boyfriend kie." He stated.

I smiled and kissed his hand. "I'm okay, J" I told him.

"Fine, fine... I'll get it out of you later." He smirked to himself.

"Oh, whatever!" I said, smacking his arm gently.

We laughed, and soon enough we were there.

He sprinted to my side, before I could even touch the door! He opened it, unbuckled my seatbelt and, picked me up and out of my seat, and set me down. I could tell he was proud.

"JJ!" I said laughing.

"Whatttt? I cant give my favorite girl princess treatment? How rude." He scoffed.

"Suck it up." I said, jogging away.

He chased me. When he caught me, he locked arms with me, and we went to find John B and Sarah.

"KIE, JJ! OVER HERE!" Sarah yelled, waving us over.

I pull him over by her. John B walks back with a drink for them both.

"Yo, wassup?" He asks.

"Nothin much" JJ responds.

Those two fall deep into a conversation.

Sarah and I walk away for brief moment to get a her a drink. I'm the designee between JJ and I. I don't him to die.

"So, how are things with you and JJ?" Sarah asked me.

"Good... we don't fight as much as I thought we would. But it's never for long, it's like a 20 minute screaming match before one of us apologizes." I tell her.

"That's good, when John B and I fight he sleeps in the Twinkie." She says laughing.

We get her drink and walk back to see a pretty brunette talking to JJ. Sarah finds John B talking to Pope.

I stare this girl down, she looks at me, smiles like a bitch at me, then holds JJs shoulder. He didn't even move, is he already wasted? Being wasted makes you think even more of your partner, right? It doesn't make sense. Before I knew it, I was walking towards them.

"Yo, get off my boyfriend!" I yell, pushing her hand off. JJ looks at me, smiling.

"Boyfriend, huh?" She asks.

"That's what I said." I fought.

"Why her?" She asks, turning to JJ.

Why wasn't he saying anything?

Does he really want her?

Did he tell her that he doesn't like me?

Did he try something too?

I trust him.

"Because you can't get better than me, bitch." I said, grabbing JJ's hand and walking away from her.

After we're out of sight, I drop his hand and keep walking without him. He immediately takes my hand back.

"Kie.." he says.

"Hm?" I cross my arms, looking at him.

"You're so cute when you're jealous. But seriously, nothing happened." He said

"I know, I trust you. You shouldn't just let that happen you know..." I tell him.

"I didn't process it in time before you got there, I'm sorry." He tells me before kissing me. "I only want you." He says.

"I only want you too."


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