Kie's Argument

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"Quit being so pissed off, it's fine!" Sarah screams in his face.

Sitting on the couch of the Chateau, the boys left minutes ago. They went to fix something on the Twinkie, so they pulled it to Heywards, even though JJ insisted he could fix it, they wanted Heyward to check.

The girls sat on the couch together, watching The Vampire Diaries. Kie was actually watching, sitting with a bun on her head, and blue light glasses in her face. Her knees to her chest, watching. Cleo and Sarah just sat laughing at something on Sarah's phone. Every time Kie would ask what it was, they'd say: "oh nothing." Or "you wouldn't get it."

After a few minutes of them laughing, Kie turned up the TV. They shot her a glare, but soon got a snap from each of the boys. They took their pictures together, while Kie took hers alone. She got a message from JJ, so she opened it.

❤️❤️My better half❤️❤️
Hey, baby
Why aren't you with Sarah and Cleo?

Actually i am

❤️❤️My better half❤️❤️
Are you all on the couch

I'm watching TVD tho

❤️❤️My better half❤️❤️
Sweetheart, did they leave you out?
I swear I'll come back and cuddle you
You don't have to be alone right now
What's going on?
Are you okay?

You're so cute
But no, I'm fine
When are you coming home tho?

❤️❤️My better half❤️❤️
Hopefully like 20 minutes
Idiot twisted the brake as soon as we got here

What did I say about being nice to him?
He's your best friendddddd

❤️❤️My better half❤️❤️
I knowwww
I'm sorryyyyy
But I'm still gonna be mean to him

Yeah I know

❤️❤️My better half❤️❤️
Okay, I gotta go, they're yelling at me
See you soon pretty girl💗

Bye J❤️


They continued to laugh while I sat there. I feel lonely.

"Uh- do you guys wanna do something else?" I whisper.

"No, we're having fun!" Cleo giggles.

"I mean like togethe-" they cut me off.

"We are doing something together. You're the one who wanted to watch this stupid fucking show, because JJ doesn't want to watch anything thing with you. Here we are being your stupid backups and we're sick of your shit Kiara. As always, you ruin our fun. Maybe we don't want you here anymore. Maybe we want you to leave us alone. You look like a mess just sitting there in your stupid blue light glasses that don't even look good on you, and your stupid bun on your head. You don't fit in. Pogues and Kooks alike. Go back home, Kiara. We're sick of your shit. So is your boyfriend." Cleo finishes.

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