Together- They boys side.

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Kie and I were laying in the hammock at the Château, we've been waiting forever.

I pulled a blunt out of my pocket.

"Oh my god- yes please." Kiara said. I laughed, I gave it to her first, she was just excited, it was funny. We sat there, passing it back and forth for a while.

"JOHN B, HURRY THE HELL UP." Sarah yelled from inside.

"NO!" He yelled back.

"I WILL YANK YOUR WEAVE RIGHT OFF YOUR HEAD!" Sarah screamed. Kie started laughing, it made me laugh too.

"IM COMING, MY LOVE." John B yelled desperately.

While they were screaming inside, we were dying outside. We couldn't stop laughing. I don't know if it was because we were high, or just very invested.

"Let's not let them sit together for about an hour, otherwise one of them is going to bring it up." I told her

"Deal. They're great together and all, but this... this is dangerous." Kiara said, i laughed a little.

"My boy won't have hair. We gotta save the rats nest he calls hair." I told her, jokingly shaking me head, staring at the ground.

"Sarah's gonna have a fist full of knots." Kie nodded.

We sat there, passing jokes back and forth until the couple came outside.

"Finally!" Kiara yelled, sitting up.

"We've been waiting this whole time!" I yelled.

Kie glared me JJ, now they're gonna relive the story. BOTH sides of the story, even though they heard the whole fight from outside. He was probably brushing his hair like an idiot, but was I the idiot now for bringing it up? They passed back and forth forever, talking over each other. It was driving Kie and I crazy.

"Look what you did, Jayj!" It was quiet, but I heard her.

"It's not my fault! No wonder they say they do everything together." I mumbled back.

She randomly started smiling, her face heated up. What do I do? Did I do something? After like a solid two minutes, the lovebirds in front of us stopped bickering. She was just staring off. She looked so happy, and I loved that she was, but we were all confused. I started snapping in her face to snap her out of it.

"..kie? Kiaraaa- kie! Hey, you!" I yelled, she turned to look at me. "You're randomly smiling and blushin. What did you do?" I asked, crossing my arms with a light smirk on his face.

"Nothin, don't worry about it." She shrugged, keeping a smile on her face. She looked at Sarah and nodded. Sarah ended up nodding back. WTF! THAT'S SCARY, ARE THEY LIKE POSSESSED?!

"Woah- there's some female communication happening here." John B said, putting his hands up.

"I don't know what you mean." Sarah said with an innocent smile.

"I don't like it!" John B said.

"Cry." Kie said with a smile, getting up and out of the hammock, pulling Sarah inside.

We sat there, confused, shocked, and scared.

"WAY TO BE DISCREET!" I yelled. I smiled, but I was super confused. What just happened?

"Shut up, JJ! You found out what that word meant yesterday!" Kiara yelled. Obviously, she was joking.

She shut the door. I loved joking with her, I loved being with her, she made me happy, and I think I make her pretty gosh dang happy.

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