Hurt 2- The Fight

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I was gonna kill him. I had him there. He hurt Kie, he caused her a problem, so I was bound to fix it. She was my everything, and he hurt everything I loved. No one messes with her. She's doesn't deserve it. I pick her relentlessly, and never give a second thought. She was my world. I had her. She was mine, and I was hers. It was settled.

I walk to the Patio, Pope sitting with Cleo.

"Pope." I said, gritting my teeth.

"Oh gosh, okay, so she told the boyfriend. It wasn't that deep dude." He told me.

Yeah, you're right.



Sarcasm is the only thing that fills my head.

"So putting my girlfriend through hell wasn't that deep?" I clarified.

"Not really. But I didn't do that." He stated, noticing Cleo's eyes on him.

"Pope, what did ya do to my girl, kie?" Cleo questioned.

Her eyes burned holes in the side of his head. He slowly turned his head until they're eyes met. I could tell Pope didn't wanna tell her, because he knew he was wrong.


"Yeah, Pope. What did you do to Kie?" I pressed. I was mad.

He starts explaining everything, now that he admits he did it, I've got a lot more to say.

"Get up." I told him.

He just sat and stared. Cleo and I were not happy. At all.

"Get. Up." I said again, burning him with my gaze.

He knew what was coming for him. He knew exactly what I was going to do. I didn't care. He messed with Kie. Almost got her killed. Her poor, lifeless, body, laughing there. Her hitched and slow breathing. The amount of water that came from her. The bloody shirt. My poor girl's shoulder that's probably killing her. It's because he can't understand.

He stood up after he was pushed by Cleo. I took my opportunity, I grabbed his collar, put him against the flimsy chateau walls.

"Listen to me." I gritted. He nodded in response. "I didn't like the way you talked to my girl. I do t think anyone did. I love her, you got her hurt. That's my everything. You hurt everything, if you weren't like family to me, that was gonna get you absolutely rocked. Understand?" I finished.

He rapidly nodded.

"Good." I said, dropping him back to the floor.

Cleo hasn't said anything, she knew he deserved it. We all knew he did. So I did what every good boyfriend would do. I love her, I'd do anything for her.

I walk back inside. I was still furious, but I was happy with a threat. All of that faded when I saw my beautiful girl laying on my bed.

"JJ!" She yelled. She shot up. I know that had to hurt.

"Sweetheart, I love you, but you gotta take it easy in your shoulder, okay?" I said sitting beside her.

She sighed and nodded, I felt awful, but she needed to stay uninjured if she could.

She leaned on me, making me quickly wrap my arms around her. We stay like this for a while.

"I love you, JJ.." Is all I hear, then I look down and see the prettiest girl in the whole wide world, asleep on me.

Wanna know what I did?

Just held her. Held her until she woke up. I was gonna be by her side through it all.

Hope this was okay!

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