Groupchat- Rafe did what?

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Sitting on my bathroom floor not knowing what to do. Damnit. I check my phone and Sarah told. Damnit. Seeing JJ will be here in 5 minutes not 15. Damnit.

He's gone hurt himself. I try to stand, but it hurts to bad to move. I don't even know how I got up here. How I managed to get up to my room and in my bathroom. What have I done? Blood covers my shirt completely. Everything hurts so bad. I get a call.


I answer.

Sweetheart, open the window.

J, I can't.

Why not?

It hurts to move.

Shit. Baby, I'm so sorry, but can you try?


I grab the counter with a wince, holding my phone in my hands. I try my best not to fall, but I fall in front of the door with a wince. I cough hard, holding my stomach.

Can you crawl to the window?


I unlock the door, I see jj, but I quickly lock my door too. I use my desk to help me stand. I quickly stumble to the window, holding the frame for support. I unlock it and see a very worried boyfriend appear.

"Oh, baby." JJ whispers. His eyes are completely wide. He looks around at me. He notices my shirt is stained with blood. I start to wobble a little. His hands connect with my waist.

He picks me up, and sets me in my desk chair. He runs over to my dresser, grabbing clothes, probably ones I've stolen from him.

He runs into the bathroom and places those on the counter. Then, he was at my side in no time.

"Okay, kie... do you wanna take a shower? Obviously, you don't have to. I can go in with you. We don't even have to take our clothes off. I just know stuff like that comforts you. But I'll do anything you need right now, baby." He says. His eyes soften at my black eye.

My lips quiver unintentionally. My hand slaps over my darkened eye.

"Nonono, hey, hey, kie it's okay." He says, gently pulling my hand down. "Do you want to take a shower?" He asks.

"Yes, please..." I whisper, allowing him to pick me up. He places me on the bathroom counter.

"Clothes or no clothes, kie? Do you want me in there?" He asks, playing with my hair gently.

"I don't know, but I want you in there." I tell him. My head begins to pound. My hands cover my face. The lights are too bright, but somehow JJ knew that, so he dimmed them for me.

"Okay. I can do that." He states. He places towels on the floor.

"J, I don't want clothes in there..." I whisper softly. I don't think he heard me but he did.

"Because they'll stick?" He asks.

I nod. He takes his off first. Then he helps me out of mine. He locks the bathroom door. He picks me up and sets me down in front of the shower.

"Warm? Hot? Cold?" He asks. I feel bad he doesn't even get a say.

"J..." I whisper, looking at him.

He smiles, "you're adorable. But Kie, I'm fine no matter what. You're pretty easy to read right now. I just want you to be comfortable right now. You deserve it." He tells me, leaving a kiss on my forehead.

I mumble warm, and JJ makes sure it's perfect. He rinses all the dried, nasty blood off me. He didn't even look sick by it. It made me sick to see all the blood on my body, and what Rafe made my boyfriend have to see.

He pulls me to his chest, holding me close. Right now, nothing hurts. All I feel is safe.

"Can I wash you off, kie?" He asks in a low whisper.

I smile and nod. One hand stays on my waist, the other starts rubbing soap all over my body. I wasn't even close to embarrassed of my body right now. I couldn't be with this boy. He gave me no reason to. He starts washing my hair. He made sure nothing went in my eyes and nothing was left in my hair. No spot was missed with him. He was being super gentle. He didn't pull super hard. I started gently washing him off as well, but being Mr. Overprotective and everything that happened, he protested. I did it anyways. I protected his eyes as I washed his hair. I smile to myself. I will admit there is no hair on my body, besides what's on my head, BUT, this man made sure of it. He asked me to lift my arms he made sure. He did the same with my legs, but he didn't dare to go further. I just had to laugh at how sweet he was about everything. It made me forget about it all. I did forget until I saw a bruise on my gut in the mirror. I felt sick. He stepped in front of me and our eyes met.

"I'm gonna kill him. I'm sorry I wasn't there. I should've known something was up. It was four hours. Four goddamn hours!" He said, putting his head in his hands.

"Jayj, don't beat yourself up over it... can we get out of the shower now? It's getting foggy and hard to focus." I whispered.

"Shit, yeah." He said, gently pulling me out. JJ quickly got me dressed. He pulled his boxers and shorts back up. His shirt remained off, as usual.

He picked me up and put me on my bed. When I thought I was gonna be cuddled, he stepped back into the bathroom. I was sad, i wanted to be cuddled. Then he walked in with a hair tie in between his teeth, a comb and brush in his hand, and my phone in the other.

"J, what are you doing?" I whisper.

"Braiding my girls hair, what does it look like?" He stated with a proud smile.

I smile and nod, turning on a random movie on Netflix. I felt the comb go down my part, making me smile. I was smiling like a dork right now, and I knew it too. I knew he was being gentle. The comb went down to my part a couple times. He was trying not to stab my head. This guy's literally the sweetest boy out there.

"J, you want me to part it for you?" I say with a small giggle.

He sheepishly rubs the back of his neck and nods. I turn towards him, giving him a kiss. I taught him an easier way than with a comb. I grabbed the brush, brushed it down the top of my head, forming a ponytail. I gently shake it to find my natural part. I told JJ to follow it. It happened to work, and he brushed through my curls.

"2 or 1, pretty girl?" He asked me.

I smiled, "I don't know, baby, you've never actually braided my hair before." I told him.

"But I watched videos so I could." I heard him pout.

"Okay, okay. One long braid in the back, J." I gave in.

He starts to braid. He's not pulling hard. He's being super gentle. It takes about 20 minutes for him to finish, but it was adorable. He quickly puts everything back.

"Kie, are you pretty dry?" He asks from the bathroom.

"Mhm, why?" I question.

"It's time... I'm sorry."

He walks out with bandages and isopropyl alcohol for my wounds. I shake my head, but he just nods. I know it needs to happen but it hurts. The tower with the alcohol meets my stomach, making me wince and whine quietly. I put my hands over my face. He put a bandage over it. Next was the one on my cheek. It wasn't big, but it bled longer. JJ was super gentle with me, and when he was done, he put everything away. He cuddled the shit out of me. I told him the full story, not skipping minor details like the text I sent. He was beyond fuming. He told me he'd go out and kill Rafe after he spent the night with me to make sure I was safe.

God, I love this boy.

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