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This one shot is how Kie gets stressed out over homework! She and JJ are indeed dating in this!

In this one shot, JJ knows Kie has bad anxiety problems, but doesn't realize how bad they've gotten until he sneaks in!

Idea inspired by ellie_maybank


Sitting at my desk. The way I have been since 7 am yesterday. This has become a routine for me. My body starts to cramp up. I freeze, raising my hand to my stomach with a wince. It's 1:30 in the morning now.

I will admit, all this work is 100% paying off. I still have so much to go though. I didn't have a lot of time to myself. I haven't touched my phone since 7 yesterday. I said I'd text everyone when I was done, but I'm not done yet. I haven't slept too much, or eaten as much. I'm eager to do all of this. I have to finish strong otherwise my parents will kill me!


Okay, im up. I'm worrying about my girlfriend. She hasn't answered her phone for like- 16 hours! Probably more! I don't know, I can't count!

I sneak out of the chateau, and get on my bike. I walk it out a little ways, so I don't wake my friends up. It's a peaceful few minutes, but the anxiety for Kie rises when I see her lights on.

But she loves to sleep...

Did she fall asleep with the lights on?

Never mind, stupid question. She could never!

I crawl up to the window. I look inside, seeing Kie  curling up in her chair. Her eye bags are noticeable from here! That's not like her at all... but, I know it's the homework. She's been like this for 3 months. We don't have much time to ourselves because she's committed to pleasing her parents. But it's destroying her.

That I can't handle by any stretch of the imagination.

I tap on the window. She jumps, then notices it's me, immediately walking over.

"You okay?" She asks, pulling me inside. "Did something happen? Are you hurt?" She heaves.

Oh, baby, your anxiety is rising again.

"Hey, hey, relax. I'm not hurt, nothing happened. I came here because I'm worried about you." I told her.

"I'm okay." She smiles at me.

"You haven't answered your phone since 7, babe. In the morning! Kie, it's the next day! I've been worried sick! It's been months since you've told me the truth about how you've been. But, knowing me, I can clearly fucking tell you're not okay. I know your anxiety's rising. Baby, you're not doing okay! You've hardly been sleeping or eating! As a boyfriend, I'm worried! You've been denying how you feel, and go out of your way to make your parents happy! Kie, I miss you! I'm worried about you! I need you to be okay, otherwise, I can't be okay." I told her.

A tear slides down her cheek, which I catch with my finger tips.

"JJ, I only have a few problems left." She cried to me.

"Sweetheart, you need a break, please, come lay with me." I say, sitting on her bed, patting the space beside me.

"JJ, I can't- I have to get this done." She argues back, tears streaming down her face. She's not much of a crier, but she's so tired her emotions are everywhere.

"Kie, you're tired. Please." I begged.

"JJ, I have to get this done!" She fought.

I jumped at her yelling, but I didn't mean to. I just never heard her yell like that.

She watched me, eyes wide, jawdropped.

I felt awful.

She dropped to her knees and covered her face. She sobbed into her hands, apologizing profusely.

"Nonono!" I exclaimed. I kneeled beside her, pulling her to my chest. I held her as she cried.

She tried to settle down, but seeing my jump because of her, broke her. It broke me to see her like this. Her anxiety didn't let her rest. It built up, and she exploded.

"I'm sorry, J!" She cried.

"Don't cry, Kie... it's okay. Don't apologize. I just never heard your anxiety and voice build up like that." I tell her.

"I'm sorry..." she whispered.

"I know... I know." I confirmed, pressing her body against my chest.

I ran my hands through her curls.

"Why don't you get comfortable clothes on?" I suggest.

She nods, and grabs some clothes, walking into the bathroom and changing. While she does that, I quickly jam her papers in the page of the book. I shut it, and turn the lights off.

She walks out and looks at me, then her homework and tears run down her face again.

"I was almost done..." she whispered, putting her hands over her face.

I walk over to her and hug her. I slowly rock with her until she's calm. When I can feel her relax, I smile to myself.

"Bedtime?" I whisper into her hair. She nods, and hugs me tighter.

I laugh a little, then pick her up. I gently kiss her forehead, then lay her down. I lay down beside her, holding her body close. I pull the blankets up to her neck, making her smile, and put her head on my chest. I gladly hold her, waiting for her breathing to slow down, and her heart rate to relax. I smile when I realize she was finally asleep. I felt like I accomplished something. Because I did.

I gave her a break.

I gave her safety.

And I gave her love.

And she gladly returned it.

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