Kies Drink-2

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"J- I think I've been drugged-" Kie spit out.

I was more than furious. My poor girl. I pick her up, Sarah calls the cops. I told kie that everything was going to be okay. Pope and Cleo scout the area. John B looks at Kies drink. Like they say, you can't see it.

I just held her. This needed to be quick. I needed kie to be able to tell me who this was. I needed to tell her she was okay.

Sirens came from the grass above the beach. Kids from everywhere scattered. I quickly hand kie to pope, after a fight with John B about the warrant for underage drinking. Pope was sober, kie was mostly sober, but acted completely drunk because of that stupid drug!

They're discussing a few things before checking it out. Pope hands him the drink that kie had.

All of the sudden kie collapsed, the officer caught her.

Oh my god..

This is really happening.

That's my girlfriend.

She's not even gonna be remember it either.

Who did it?

I'm not holding back when I find this bitch.

Hopefully we find it soon.

Yeah, I called that person an it.


I pull up to the station. They let me in.

"For Kiara Carrera." I say sternly.

Everyone in the OBX at least has an idea I have a girlfriend, but they always seem shocked when I say who it is. But every cop knew that I loved her. Every time I was got thrown in here in the past year, which is like- a few times, kie and I kissed through the bars because it pisses them off. Then I yell "I love you" as she's leaving, she just flips me off. I knew she loved me back.

They walk me to her. She's still wearing that stupid dress. She looks beautiful, but it's the things that happen while she's in it.

I pick her up, carrying her to the Twinkie. I can't take my bike when the poor girl's unconscious.

We drive back to the chateau, I lay her on the pullout, no one's home, so I change her into my clothes. Her Make-ups still on so I carefully take it off for her.

I sat on the side of the pullout, rubbing the side of her waist furthest from me in an up and down motion.

Kie eventually stirs awake.

"Hey, sweetheart..." I start.

"J?" She asks, rubbing her eyes.

"Yeah, it's me. You doing okay?" I ask, hand not leaving her waist.

"I don't know... I feel weird and I don't know why. Why am I in your clothes- not that I'm apposing, I-" I cut her rambling off, even if it was cute.

"I'll explain when you're feeling better, okay?" I question.

She nods.

For the next few hours, we laid here side by side in a comfortable, peaceful silence. We're happy like this. I start explaining, she starts explaining back. I feel like crap for not agging her to take me with, but I can't turn back time. This is us.

This is us now and forever.


I'm so sorry it's so short, I'm starting school tomorrow!! It'll be less and less frequent, but I'll try and get a story in every weekend!!🥳

Thank you so much for reading and voting! It means the world!

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