Way Too Good At Goodbyes (1)

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... You must think that I'm stupid
You must think that I'm a fool

Sitting on the bedroom floor, his heart beating so quick, he can't even keep up. Is she playing games with him? She said she loved him, but that's not possible. He was JJ. She was Kie. Crazy to think about. He didn't deserve her. She could never love a Cut boy like him. He's been in a bad state. He remembers the way he yelled at her.

"JJ..." she mumbles.

The hammock rocks back in forth with every gust of wind that comes their way.

"Yeah, Kie?" He questions, propping himself up on his elbows.

"I know this is random, but I can't hold this shit back anymore. It's eating me alive, Jayj. I love you." She whispers, sitting up, crossing her legs beneath her.

The boy bursts out laughing. "Yeah right. That's fucking funny."

"JJ, I'm not joking." She says looking him dead in the eye.

"Listen Kie, I don't need your fucking pity love. Me and you both know this is some sick joke." He states getting up.

She sits up and grabs his arm, "no, jj! I love you, I mean it!"

He yanks his arm, almost pulling her out of the hammock. She manages to keep her footing once she's out, though. He feels awful, but he can't lose to the pity she shows for him.

"No you don't! No one could ever mean that! Never about me!" He fights.

"I do! I always love you!" She yells back passionately, walking towards him.

Big mistake.

He backs up, afraid to hurt her. I mean, he almost took her out of the hammock. Almost took her to the ground. He couldn't let her get hurt and it be his fault.

"No you don't! I'm a pogue and you're a kook, kiara!" He screams.

Birds fly out of the trees around them. They only hear the pants of one another and the birds.

"Really? Okay, if I'm a kook, what the fuck is P4L? What the fuck was us hanging out all the time? JJ..." she stops herself.

He shakes his head, backing up slowly. "You, Kiara Carrera, are a dirty liar." He says through gritted teeth. His back meets his bike, and that was his cue to hop on and drive away. And that's exactly what JJ did.

He drove until he was back to his broken home. The siding of the house, falling apart by the second, dangling there, just broken. One of the screens falling off from when him and Luke pushed themselves off the screened in, and into the grass. His head pounds from the chaos.

We walks up to the door that's been waiting to fall off its hinges. He pushes it open, getting a loud creak and a silent home. Luke's not home, otherwise he would have heard the piece of shit snore. Beer cans don't litter the entire floor anymore, just between the coffee table and couch. He stares at the empty cans. That's what all his money goes to. That's what this piece of shit spends his money on. JJ's money.


And here JJ is, cradling himself in the corner of his room with a chair holding the door shut. No entry from any unwanted visitor.

You must think that I'm new to this
But I have seen this all before

Previous love he's felt, was from John B, and the small memories of his mother. That was before the pogues though. He fell in love with Kie. He's been in love with her for years. What kind of sick joke was she playing on him? Why would she do that to him? Why is he like this? His heart can't stop beating. His breathing doesn't slow down. He finds himself standing and pacing.

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