Work Sucks.

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Kie was working her shift at the wreck. Her parents were warming up to me, so they let me stay the night. Mike and I had a beer together, no he doesn't care that I drink at agr 17. But only one. That's all I'll have around him. I wanna be sober-ish, just in case I say something bad. For three days straight, kie and I have the house to ourselves. Poor girl had to run the wreck basically all by herself. Mike and Anna left, they said goodbye to me, but not Kie, which makes me upset. That's they're own daughter! It's honestly heartbreaking. Kie doesn't admit when things hurt her, she keeps it to herself. But I just know it kills her inside to see that people that she's cared about and known her quite literally before she was born, care about someone they hated just a few months ago. Something that bothers her, bothers me too. I have to tell her, otherwise she'll question it herself.

I love that girl too much not to say anything at all!


So my parents leave today, hoping they'd swing by and check on things before they leave but never did. I didn't find it weird, that's normal. This why my family's normal. Everyone I was serving also thought they were coming soon.

A few teenage boys came in. They weren't the tallest, or the best looking, but i know I've seen them at a kegger or two.

I walk over to them.

"Welcome to The Wreck, can I get you guys anything?" I ask.

"3 waters. Ice cold." One of them asks.

"Alright- I'll be back with that." I told them.

I gathered the three cups, mainly filling it with ice, then adding water. I had to let it sit for a second, getting a tray, bringing it to them. After that, they ordered very odd items off the menu, which didn't seem right.

I go back make that, it wasn't as busy as it was before, so it was easier. I had to work all alone today. Everyone else called in sick and I don't know why.

I walk back out, place it on the table. I knew who ordered what, so I placed it there. The one that ordered for all of them started yelling.

"I DIDN'T ORDER THIS, HE DID!" He pointed to his friend.

"Oh, I'm sorry..." I said, even though I knew he ordered that.

They didn't bother to switch. I started to walk away, then I felt three cups of ice cold water on my head. I froze in my tracks. I stood there silent, moved my hair from my face, and looked at them. They all threw their cups at me and left. I was the only one there now. I locked up, quickly cleaning messes. I just wanted to go home. To JJ.

I ran to my car, freezing. I quickly check my phone.

2 messages from: My blonde idiot❤️

I smile and open them.

-hey baby just wanted to tell you your parents left
Sent at 7:56

-I'm sorry are you okay? I didn't mean to make you upset
Sent at 8:43

Great. They left without saying goodbye, but I bet that JJ got all the praise in the world.

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