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thanks for the idea!!


I haven't slept in three days. I've busy, anxious, working, and with my boyfriend of a year. Yes, I'm dating JJ. Everything's perfect with him. We work so well together, but it's been three days im since I've seen him. He went fishing with John B, and he's coming back tomorrow. I miss him so much. Ive been worried about him, but he's tough.

I lay down, but all I can do is shift around.

Comfortable? I think so. Never mind.

Tired? Very, but I can't sleep.

Cold? Extremely, but I can't warm up.

A mess? Yes, but I can't fix it.

My eyes have developed small bags under them and it makes me upset to look at. I didn't mean for it to get this bad. I never did. My phone goes off.

1 new message from: JB🔥

-can you go to the chateau rq?
Sent at 5:57.

-yeah sure
Sent at 5:56.

I make my way to my car, and drive over. I pull in and get out. When I enter the house there's a bag on the floor that says "Kie." And there's one beside it that says "Sarah."

Just as I see it, Sarah walks through the door.

"Hey! What are you doing here?" Sarah asked.

"John B asked me to come here." I responded.

"Oh same." She said, she knelt down by the bag.

When she opened it a bunch of random gifts were inside from: John B. How tf did they get them here.

I opened mind, same thing but from JJ. How did they-

As soon as I was thinking someone picked me up and spun me. I knew exactly who it was, so I was laughing. Sarah, had the same reaction i did.


"I TOLD YOU THAT SO I COULD SURPRISE YOU, SILLY!" JJ said, giving me the same energy.

He set me down and hugged me normally.

"I missed you so much, Kie, you have no idea!" JJ told me.

"I missed you so much too!" I said back.

I felt so comfortable in his arms... like I could fall asleep. We stayed like that for a while. He was slowly rubbing my back, which made me 10x more tired.

"Kie, you okay?" He asked.

"Mhmm-" I mumbled.

He slightly pulled away to look at me. He examined my face, noticed that I was tired.

"Okay, imma get this one home. I'll come back tomorrow, sound cool?" He asked, John B nodded in response to it.

JJ picked me up, and set me in my car. He even buckled me in. He got into the drivers side, he didn't buckle up, but he started it up, putting one hand just above my knee.

We talked for a little bit until we got to my house. He pulls my car up to the garage, gets out, quickly coming to my side, getting me out.

"We're gonna get you to bed, okay, baby?" He said. I nodded in response.

He carried me up to my room, carefully set me on my bed. JJ went into my closet to grab comfortable clothes for me to sleep in. He pulled out one of the hoodies he gave me, and a pair of basketball shorts. I nodded to both options, I yawned, grabbing them, walking to the bathroom to change.

When I was done, I walked out to see him turning on a movie for us to watch and talk quietly over.

"Cmere, Kie." JJ was holding his arms out for me.

I crawled onto the bed and curled up him, he pulled the blankets over us.

"How long has it been since you slept?" He asked.

"I don't know, like- 3?" I told him.

He frowned and held me close. I put head on his chest. He rubbed my back and talked to me, until he knew I was about to fall asleep.

"Goodnight, JJ. I love you.." I said, drifting off the sleep.

But before I did, I heard him.

"I love you too, beautiful. Sooo much."

This is why I think everyone needs a JJ.

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