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"Come on, John B, it'll be fun! Boys night!" I pleaded.

"But what about the girls? Last time, you couldn't make it five minutes without calling Kie!" He fires.

I playfully put my hand on my heart, and gasp, acting offended. "Nuh uh!" I fight.

"JJ, quit being a moron, you know it's true!" John B says through laughs.

"Fine... if you don't want time with me... I guess you're gonna stay with Sarah. It's okay. Way to be discreet. I always knew you were whipped." I look down at my feet. "...Just didn't know you were too whipped for me..." I said, trying not to laugh.

He bursts out laughing.

"Fine, fine. Okay. Let's go." He agrees.


I cut the act and yell out, tackling him for a bro hug.

We walk inside. Kie's making food, while Sarah sits on the counter, reading a stupid mom magazine. She's not even pregnant.

That I know of.

I wouldn't doubt it.

Her and John B go at it like everyday.

Me and Kie gotta invest in headphones.

I walk up behind Kie, wrapping my arms around her. She smiles, and my chin meets her shoulder. I kiss up and down her neck, making her giggle.

"Hey, you okay?" She asks.

Okay, I'm not the most cuddly person ever, but I'm tired right now. I know she's making me food, but I just wanna kiss her. I can already hear John B calling me pussywhipped.


Fuck it for right now.

"I'm perfect." I say, kissing her head. I rub her waist.

She smiles, letting the food cook for a second, moving her hands to my arms. She leans back a little, and kisses my cheek. I smile at her and put my chin on her head. She grabs the pan, dumping my food on a plate. I smile, then kiss her head.

"Thanks, Kie." I say with a smile.

"So ladies... JJ and I wanna go out tonight. Alone." John B says, trying not to laugh.

"JJ can't make it that long. You either." Sarah points out.

The girls laugh, making me want to tackle them.

"Oh, please, it's not like you two aren't clingy when you're drunk. Or in general." I say. I regret it as soon as the words leave my mouth.

Fuck dude.

Kie gulps, then quickly passed me my food as I sit.

"Babe-" I say, but she cuts me off.

"It's okay, JJ. Really, it is! Umm... I'm gonna get ready." Kie states, walking into the guest room we've claimed.

"Nice one." John B retorts. I slap him in the back of the head.

"Yeah, damn. I got offended by that, but John B wouldn't say that shit to me. Fact, he told me that wasn't true." Sarah said, sitting on his lap.

Kie walks back out in a crop top and shorts.

Damn she's hot.

"Gotta go, bye!" She says, hustling out.

No kiss.

No "I love you."

No shoulder massages while I talk to John B.

Just a simple "gotta go, bye."

What did I do?

She was trying not to be "clingy". I know I'm not the most cuddly boyfriend, but behind closed doors I can't do shit without her. I need her. Mentally and physically.



I'll admit. That shit hurt. Bad. I don't know why it got to me, but it did. It shouldn't have.

I'm not trying to be clingy.

I fucked up.

I think the best thing to do is give him space.

Then I feel a hand on my arm. I spin around, being pulled in by a certain blonde boy.

"Babe." He whispers.

"Hm?" I hum.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean it. I don't even know where it came from. We both know I'm more clingy than everyone in the Chateau combined. I'm sorry, Kie." He says, fingertips caressing my sides.

"It's fine, Jayj." I say, brushing it aside.

"No. No, how the fuck is that fine?" He asks, grabbing my hands now instead.

"It just is..." I plead.

He knows I took that to heart. The way he's looking at me right now says it all. He knows.
Why am I still hiding it? I don't know.

He picks me up, taking me back inside.

"Look who JJ got..." Sarah mumbles.

"Shut up!" He whines.

"Will you stop? JJ, you're like being annoying about it. Did you two make up?" John B asks.

JJ's about to say something, but I quickly nod my head. He sighs, taking me to the guest room. I meet the mattress and I sit up. He sits across from me. Both of us sit crisscross, staring into each other's eyes.

"Sweetheart..." JJ whispered.

"JJ, I'm not mad or upset." I told him, reaching for his hands.

He's very protective of my feelings. He'd do anything to make sure I felt safe or comfortable. I love him dearly for that.

"Kie, I know that hurt a little. Come on, it's obvious. I just needed to shoot back at Sarah. I didn't mean to direct it at you. She said both of us, so I said both of you. I didn't mean that though. I'm sorry." He explains.

"Okay, fine. It maybe confused me a little, and shot a little bit too close to home. I just wanna prove I love you, but physical touch isn't your love language- I don't know what it is. Maybe it's words of affirmation, but I don't wanna be clingy as fuck-" he cuts me off.

"Stop it. You're not clingy. Maybe I'm not the most cuddly person ever, but I want to be. Kie, I love your touch. I crave it. When you left with just a goodbye, almost killed me." He said.

I tell him, "Sorry."

"You have nothing to be sorry for! Kie, I know you wanna be perfect for me, but you already are. Don't change because I'm a fucking idiot. Okay? I love you, Kiara Carrera. You." He finishes.

I smile, nodding. I lean forward, kissing his cheek.

"I love you too, Jayj."

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