The accident- 2

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I walked in first . Mike was unconscious, dry blood smeared across his face. I didn't want Kie to see it, so I covered her eyes. I felt her shaking, she was worried, scared, and probably anxious. She turned her body towards me, still hasn't seen Mike yet. I hugged her tight.

"JJ, how bad is it?" She asked me. I didn't wanna break my poor girlfriend's heart, but I couldn't lie to her either.

"Not very good, Kie..." I felt her arms wrap around me tighter.

Now, that broke my heart. Don't get me wrong, I love Kie hugging me, but this one was needed. She needed me. I'm gonna give her everything she needs, wants, anything. Will do anything for this girl, whether she likes it, or not.

When she was ready, she pulled away from me. We looked each other in the eyes for a few seconds until she collected herself. She sighed and slowly turned to Mike's slow breathing body. Her gaze fell to the floor. I stood behind her, putting my arms around her waist, my chin rested on her shoulder, watching her response. She was speechless. She didn't move, I don't even think she knew I was holding her.

One of his legs wrapped in crimson and white bandages, his cheek covered in blood. One arm and 3 ribs broken is what we were told.

When I look at Kie, I see this happy, beautiful, sarcastic, and caring girl. Right now when I look at her, I see pain, confusion, sadness, and anxiety. She's not the easiest to read, but this is just clear to see.

"Kie..." I look at her, completely facing her.

"Hm?" She didn't even look at me.

"Are you gonna be okay? Do you need me to get you out of here?" I asked her. She nodded.

"My moms room, please..." she whispered.

I grabbed both of her shoulder, and guided her out. She slightly smiled.

We walk into her moms room. Anna's wide awake and I'm scared for dear life. She's still getting used to the fact that I'm gonna be in her life someday, because I'm marrying this woman. I love Kie with my whole entire heart.

"Mom..." she ran to her side, kneeled beside the bed and hugged her.

Anna grabbed her face and gently rubbed her cheek with her thumb.

"I'm so sorry, Kiara... I didn't want you to have to go through this." Anna told her.

"I'm just happy you're okay..." Kies voice cracked. Not like a voice crack, but she was gonna break soon.

I kneeled slightly behind her. I wrapped both arms around her waist, and my head rested on her shoulder. I was waiting for every single one of her responses.

"Is your dad okay?" Anna asked.

Kie couldn't answer, her mouth opened but nothing came out of it. I hugged her tightly, her body language seemed no longer like it was holding together. She was being ripped from the seams. I haven't really seen Kie cry in years. She bottles up her emotions and just never told anyone anything. Ever.

I kissed her to cheek to let her know I was there. Then she broke, she bursted into tears. My heart absolutely shattered. It's in pieces seeing my poor girl hurt like this. I turned her away from her mom and into my chest. Since Kie couldn't, I did.

He's unconscious.



"GODDAMNIT!" Anna yelled.

Doctors and nurse came rushing after that dragging Kie and I out. She was quiet, and i could tell it hurt her.. a lot.

"Everything's gonna be okay..." I assured her, holding her tight. She nodded, hugging me. "I got you, Kie..." she nodded again.

A doctor walked to us.

"You two have to leave. The patient you want to see is unstable-" kie's face said it all. The doctors quickly changed their statement. "emotionally... emotionally unstable right now." They finished,

We nodded. I picked kie up, and took her to the car. She was still quiet. I sat her down and buckled her up. I hopped into the drivers seat and looked at her. She slowly looked back at me. She spends too much time trying to hold her emotions back. It's literally so heartbreaking.

She looked in my eyes for a while, she faced the window again. My hand found her thigh.

"Kie...?" I asked, gently grabbing her chin, turning her head to face me.

Tears swelled up in her eyes, we made eye contact again. She started sobbing. I unbuckled her, she reached out to hug me. I pulled her from her seat over to mine. She sobbing quietly into my chest. I rubbed her back and told her everything was gonna be okay. And if it isn't, I would find away to make it okay. I'm gonna make sure she has her pretty little smile on her face like always. I'm glad she felt comfortable enough to cry around me, but I know she truly didn't want to.

After a while, her sobs turned into tears that I wiped off her face gently. I helped back into her seat, buckled her in and drove her home.

The silence wasn't the most comfortable, but it was decent enough to make us okay with it. I carried her inside and to her room.

"Kie, are you doing okay?" I asked.

She smiled and nodded. "How are you?"

She's doing it again.

"Kie..." I looked at her, pushing hair back behind her ear.

"Hm?" She asked.

"Why do you push your feelings away?" I questioned. I didn't wanna pressure her to answer, but I know she had one for me.

"Well, I can't help it. All I've done my whole life is bottle up how I feel, because no one cared. You guys were all I had. My freshman year was a wreck, and I was scared you guys didn't care anymore either, so, I stopped talking about them. I just haven't really got the feeling anybody cares." She told me.

"Kie, I care." I grabbed her hands and squeezed them. "I care so much. I'm always gonna be there for you. You mean the world to me! I'm not leaving ever." I told her.

She started crying.

"I love you so much, jayj..." she whispered.

I kissed her and she kissed back. After that, we laid down and just talked until Kie randomly fell asleep on my chest. I was smiling like crazy and I knew I was to.

I kissed her head.

"Goodnight, kie... I love you." And i fell asleep.


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