Insecure- Kie.

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God, I hate my body.

I hate the way my stomach sticks out.

I hate the way I smile.

My laugh is demonic.

My hair is tangled.

My nose is too big.

My eyes aren't pretty enough.

My body isn't curvy enough.

My thighs are too big.

I don't act right.

I'm not worth the shot.

Until I started going out with JJ. He's so sweet to me. He doesn't know this is how I feel. I wish I could tell him. I wish he knew. But he showers me with compliments, no matter what.

Here I am, laying in his arms, watching all the pretty actors on the screen. My body tenses and he looks down at me.

"Hey, you okay?" He whispers softly, shifting to face me, his hands dropping from my back to my hands.

"Yeah, I'm Fine." I stifle a smile, but retract it almost immediately, shifting my eyes back to the tv.

My teeth aren't white enough.

My teeth are crooked.

My lips were too small.

My smile isn't bright enough.

I'm not enough.

"Bullshit, come on, tell Papa J what's wrong." He said in serious tone. His finger gently reached my chin, pulling my face towards his. Our eyes meet, but I can't help but look down.

My eyes aren't pretty enough.

They aren't that bright.

They're kind of hooded.

They're a weird shape.

My lashes weren't long.

"Kie, what's wrong?" He whispers putting his hands slightly under my shirt, and on my waist, rubbing his thumbs in soothing circles against my skin. I slightly shift, not wanting him to feel the shape I had.

I'm not skinny enough.

My waist is barely a waist.

I'm wide.

My skin's rough.

"Baby, what is it?" He asks, voice laced with concern as he pulls me on his lap. One of his hands gently rub my stomach, while the other rubs my arm. I duck away from his hand.

I'm fat.

My stomach's not small enough.

My body isn't enough.

My stomach pops out too much.

"Kie, please, what happened?" He asked, putting his hands on my hips. My body jolts a little, not wanting him to feel how wide my hips are.

Cereal box.

Too far apart.

My hips are as big as my waist.

Why can't I have an hourglass?

"Sweetheart, did something happen?" He asked, spinning me around to face him. At this point, I'm straddling his lap. I quickly move one leg to the other side because my thighs got fatter.

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