I Still Get Jealous!

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"Kie, can you hand me my hairbrush?" Sarah asks.

I pass it to her. I braid a bit of the front and pin it back of my hair. I'm in my tight black dress. Sarah says I look hot, and I can see why. DAYUM my ass is fat. This is probably the hottest I've ever seen myself. Honestly, I don't think anyone can ruin that. I feel gorgeous. On my own. JJ hasn't had to convince me yet. But it would drive him crazy if I found myself hot tonight. He'd hardly be able to keep his hands off me. My boy's gonna need TONS of self control. I love him so much. And I know he loves me. He's obsessed with me, which is a major green flag on my end. Sarah's still doing her hair. She's on the verge of tears.

"Need help, Sar?" I ask with a smile.

"Yes- yes please." She begs.

I slowly brush through her hair, remove random small kinks and a lot of the unnatural frizz. She smiles.

"You're so gentle. How?" She asks me, smiling at me through the mirror.

"I have to brush my mans knotty-ass hair all the time!" I giggle. "I love him, but the only reason his hair's soft is because of me." I finish.

She smiles and laughs, giving me a fair look.

John B calls her, and she puts it on speaker.

"Yo, babe, yall almost ready?"



"Sorryyyy, yall can come hang out with us thoughhh!"

"We're about to pull in."

"K, we'll be up here!"

"Ight, I love you."

"I love you tooo."

She hangs up and I'm still brushing her hair. She smiles at me, urging me to keep going. I nod, keeping it up.

Soon, I felt hands around my waist, hugging me from behind. I smile, and look in the mirror. I see a cute blonde idiot hugging me.

"No hello?" I ask, setting the brush down, holding his hands to me. He kisses my shoulder, burying his head into it.

"You're so whipped, dude." John B chuckles, shaking his head, kissing Sarah's cheek.

JJ flips him off and spins me around to hug him.

"You look so hot." JJ states, gently holding my lower back.

"Trust me." I pull him closer by his collar. "I know." I whispers.

His jaw drops and his eyes widen. I can tell he's very, very impressed.

"Dayum, baby." He says with a smirk, leaning in.

We start kissing, and when the other two realize, we hear a "AWW!" And a "EW, JJ!" I pull away with a giggle, which makes JJ smile more. I slide my heels on.

"Kie, you sure? Your feet are gonna hurt..." he says, grabbing my waist to keep me steady. I shrug, putting my arms around his neck, and my head on his chest. He smiles, and holds the back of my head. "Want me to put some extra shoes in the car for you?" He asks.

I nod slowly, reaching down, but he quickly stops me. He sits me on the bed, grabbing me a pair of tennis shoes.

"You girls ready?" John B asks.

We both nod. Without any warning, JJ picks me up off my feet, and I see that John B did the same. They must've planned this. Me and Sarah are both laughing messes. John B puts Sarah in the front and JJ takes me to the back with him. I sit with my legs over his lap and my head on his shoulder. He smiles, slightly pulling the hem of my dress down, as it was riding up.

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