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"MILES MILES." miles heard over the sound of his headphones.

suddenly there was a knock at his door.

"miles bring your ass to dinner." jeff said.

"oh sorry dad i had my headphones on, couldn't hear you" miles chuckled.

"well take them off every once and a while son" jeff said.

Miles laid his headphones on his bed and went to the dining room. His mom was cooking in the kitchen and his dad walked in and grabbed a drink out the fridge.

"miles help your mother with the food" jeff said.

he walked over and grabbed the food off the counter.

"oh thank you mijo." rio said.

miles walked over and placed the food on the table. he sat down and prepared his plate.

"so uh miles, how's school." jeff asked.

"oh yeah it's good, heard we are getting a new student tomorrow." miles said.

"well try to befriend him, you need more friends then just ganke." rio laughed.

"mom ganke is a great friend, dad said he liked him." miles said.

"he calls me jeff, only your mother and my mother has the right to call me jeff." he said.

"whatever dad." miles laughed.

"jeff how's work been." Rio asked.

"it's been real stressful to be honest, that spider woman person keeps getting in the way of our work." jeff said.

"well dad you ever think she's just tryin to help y'all." miles asked.

"well if she wanted to help she could take that costume off and stay out of our way." jeff said

Miles finished up his dinner and went back into his room. Today was sunday which meant he had school tomorrow.

he grabbed his headphones and put them in his school bag. there was another knock at his door.

"come in." miles said. it was ganke.

"suprise!! your mom let you in." ganke said.

"I'll make this quick miles, look at this, i was taking some pictures off my balcony, and look, a clear picture of spiderwoman!" ganke said while practically jumping up and down.

he handed miles the picture. it was her in her pink black and white suit on a lamp post.

"Ganke this is awesome man, you care if i keep this." miles asked.

"not at all dude but i just wanted to show you that, see you at school tomorrow." ganke said while slamming miles bedroom door shut.

He really took a look at the picture and saw she has some light blue chuck taylors on. If only half the girls didn't wear light blue chuck taylors he would have a chance to figure out who this mysterious woman is.

he put the picture in his wallet and laid down on his bed. Miles was hoping tomorrows new student was a girl, he'd just have to wait and find out.

i'm four chapters into writing this story, this story is mainly gonna focus on the relationship between gwen and miles, of course there will be a lot of spidermaning, i would love to have some feedback on this first chapter, then i'll go from there, this is definitely is a change from walking dead to spiderman, but i'm very confident y'all will enjoy this story. Love y'all!

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