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"do you wanna stay over tonight?" gwen asked

"i mean does your dad care?" he asked while handing gwen the bowl of popcorn they made.

"well as you can see, he's out of town." gwen said

miles looked around for gwen's dad. he's such an idiot.

"sure i'm down, where am i gonna sleep?" miles said

"ha, you're hoping i say my bed, you can sleep on the couch" she said

miles tried to act sad.

gwen playfully shoved him.

"soooo what are we watching" miles asked my covering himself up with a blanket.

"the outsiders, i've watched it like 50 times" gwen said

"never heard of it." miles said

gwen's jaw dropped

"get out, leave you are not wanted here" she said

"ok ok i get it, just turn the movie on"


gwen and miles were snuggled up next to each other when the movie ended. miles had ate the majority of the popcorn.

"can't believe you cried when johnny died" gwen laughed

miles was still wiping tears that were trickling down his face.

"i didn't cry." miles said

"sure morales." gwen said

gwen was so glad they were able to have a couple hours together, no spider stuff.

out of no where the lights in the apartment went off.

"what the hell" gwen said

"it's like what happened at oscorp, can't believe we had to go down the stairs." miles said.

gwen got up and turned on her police radio.

"theyre saying some electricity dude is running around the streets." gwen said.

"then let's go"


they arrived at the spot the police officers said he was at. he was walking around shaking, he looked scared.

"he looks harmless, but every step he takes, lights flicker around him." miles said

they swung down to the individual.

"hey man, what's going on." gwen asked the guy.

he turned around with a scared look on his face

"i don't wanna be like this, those damn eels." he said

they both knew who it was.

"what's your name man." miles asked

"my name is max dillon, i work at oscorp." he said

"ok max, listen to me, it's best if you turn yourself into the police's custody, they can help you." miles said while approached max.

"they've tried, all they did was hurt me, i don't like it when they hurt me." he said

maxs fingertips started to spark up.

"ok max, i get they hurt you, but they could be trying to help you." miles said while getting closer to max.

"THEY ARENT!" max said while shooting a lighting bolt at miles. miles dodged but he kept shooting them. gwen started to shoot webs at max but they just burnt on impact with max. max started to run out gwen.

(COMPLETED) One Lucky BiteWhere stories live. Discover now