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miles and gwen trained from 4 pm to 1 am. it was one of the toughest things miles had ever done. But one thing gwen said really stuck with miles

"i doesn't matter how many times you get hit, as long as you can get back up" gwen said.

those words are gonna stick with miles for the rest of his life. Miles woke up the next morning. he had a headache, every single bone in his body hurt. he fell a lot, but always, always got back up. Gwen was the best thing that's ever happened to miles, he felt like he had a purpose. he always thought he was gonna being a boring dude, that went to a boring college, then got a boring job. but now he has the right to call himself spiderman.

"hey ms drew, this is miles morales, i woke up puking this morning, if you want me to come to class i will, i'd hate to get others sick."

"no no no, mr morales, stay home today, make sure to get your homework in every class done tho."

"yes ma'am"

thank god ms drew is a reasonable person miles thought. he grabbed his phone and sent a text to gwen.

thanks for yesterday,
i've been wanting to
get the hang of things
as spider-man

no problem miles❤️

i won't be at school today
i can barely walk😭
you put me through hell

it'll be worth it i promise miles

thank you gwen

miles felt like shit. it was 8:03 am so ganke already left. miles leaned up, still in a lot of pain. he went to his desk drawer and took 2 advils. he laid back down and took out his sketchbook, journal thing. he flipped to his most recent drawing. it was drawing of gwen, half gwen, half spiderwoman. it was kinda cool tbh. he put hours into the drawings of gwen, making sure they were perfect, just like her. he put his journal back down and went on his phone. there was is an article about, Wilson Fisk trending.


records have popped up that he paid a criminal known as the prowler to hunt down people that "owed" him money. The Prowler identity is unknown, but cops are currently looking for him, he is suspected of 2 counts of murder.

jesus thats intense miles thought. he hoped they would catch the prowler. his dad had a run in with him and almost got hit by the prowlers motorcycle, that's how he broke his leg that one time. miles and his mom had to take care of him for a while. his dads a hero, and also very lucky. he loved his dad, he's always been tough on miles, but for good reasons, he always said miles had potential to be a very smart and important person. well dad, i'm spiderman, that's important enough right? he thought to himself. miles, while his head was racing with thoughts, he dozed off.

"yes mr fisk, i understand, spider-woman is our next target, i'll track her down, don't worry." said a robotic voice.

(4 hours later)

gwen had her head resting on her hand. history class is her least favorite class. like what was she gonna do knowing every war and president ever. it wasnt gonna help her in the long run. finally the bell rung meaning lunchtime. she sat at her usually seat, alone this time because miles was not at school. she saw a tall dude with an afro approaching her, it was hobie.

(COMPLETED) One Lucky BiteWhere stories live. Discover now