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"Doctor Connors, Sir i've told you the serum isn't ready, we still need time"

"i don't care, that stacy girl really revived my interest in all this stuff" curt said

the other doctor handed curt the serum. he stepped inside the pod.

"you ready doctor?"

"as ready as i can be" he smiled

he stuck the needle in his arm and injected the serum.


miles sat up in gwen's bed. he can't believe she let him sleep in her bed with her. gwen was sitting at her desk writing something.

"hey gwen" miles said

miles talking made gwen slightly jump

"hey miles" she said turning around in her chair.

"what you writing?" he asked

"oh it's just my diary, i've had it since 8th grade" she said

"well then it's none of my business" he said

miles stood up and walked over to her. she quickly shut her diary and turned to miles.

"you sleep good?" gwen asked

"of course i did , i had you in the bed" miles flirted

"hungry?, i can fix eggs and bacon" she said

"i'd love some eggs and bacon."  miles smiled

gwen got up and left her room. he followed her and sat down on the couch.

"anything from max?" miles asked

"nope, no one has seen him since yesterday" gwen said

"how in hell are we gonna take him down" miles said

"miles honestly, i don't see us taking him down, it's cool that you got your new powers but this guy is made of electricity" she said

"i mean he electricity, we could use water" he said

"yeah that could work" gwen said

they paused for a moment.

"ok ok, enough about max, what do you wanna do today" miles asked

"i was thinking would could go to the park just take a nice walk" gwen said

"sounds perfect" miles said


"let's head to that bench over there" miles said

they walked over to the bench and sat down. they both took a moments to admire nature and look at the buildings.

"outside of criminals and alleys. new york is beautiful" gwen said

"can i tell you something gwen" miles asked

"yeah miles" gwen said

"ok, ever since i met you, i feel like a new person, a person i thought i was never gonna be, you changed me gwen, for the better. i felt stuck until i met you. i thought my whole life was gonna be spent behind desks"

"shut up" gwen smiled

she grabbed his chin and pulled him in for a kiss. when there lips locked she felt a weight lifted off her shoulder. when the kiss ended miles sat there smiling.

"thank you gwen" miles said while hugging gwen.

both of there spider senses started going crazy. they looked around. gwen froze when she saw the creature, it was the lizard.

(COMPLETED) One Lucky BiteWhere stories live. Discover now