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"wilson, when are we gonna start back again?" otto asked

"when those spider people least expect it" fisk said

(after school)

"you suck miles" gwen laughed

"i've never played smash before" miles said

"there's no excuse for being as bad as you are" gwen said

miles and gwen had been playing smash for the past 2 hours. even george played a match against miles. miles lost. gwen and miles relationship was so strong. it's like they've known each other there whole life.

george walked back in the door with the groceries.

"gwen little help?" george said

gwen rushed over and grabbed some of the bags and placed them on the counter.

"you won a game yet miles?" george asked him.

"no i haven't, your daughter is cheating" miles said

"am not! your just really bad miles" gwen said

"you are pretty bad miles" george laughed

"ok i get it, i suck. stop ganging up on me" miles said

"oh poor baby" gwen said while bringing miles a sprite.

"how did you know i liked sprite?" miles asked

"miles, you have 3 12 packs in your fridge." gwen said

"fair" he said while opening the sprite

george joined them on the couch. he had two beers in his hands

"you gonna drink both of those george" miles said

"hell yeah i am, long day of work" he said while popping one of the beers open.

"miles, let's go to my room" gwen said

they got up and and headed to gwen's room.

"CLOTHES ON THIS TIME MILES" they heard george yell.

they sat down on her bed.

"i've been worried about my dad recently. he comes home either drunk or with beers ready to get drunk." gwen

"my dad went through that stage, my mom almost kicked him out, works probably really rough for him i'd guess, just give him so time" miles said

"yeah i know" gwen said

miles put his arm around gwen.

"your so fun to be around you know that" miles said

"i am?" gwen said

"yeah i mean, you're  funny and just cool, really cool" miles said

"did you just call me cool?" she laughed

"um yeah, you're cool" miles said

"close your eyes" gwen said.

"yes ma'am" miles said

he heard gwen rummaging around her room looking for something.

"found them!" gwen said

"can i open my eyes yet?" miles said

"yeah you can" gwen said

when he opened his eyes there was a nike shoe box in front of him.  he opened it and pulled back the paper.

"you got me new jordan 1s?" miles said

"i noticed yours were a little beat up, you like them?"  gwen asked

"i love them" he said

he kissed gwen.

"thanks ganke for mine being so beat up, let him borrow them for a week, fucked them up." miles said

they sat in silence for a second.

"i got an idea, let's go on patrol." gwen said


miles and gwen landed on a roof top.

"it feels good to be back in the suit" gwen said while stretching.

"i've had a little break so i feel good." miles said while also stretching

out of no where there was two different explosions in new york.

"oh shit, i'll go to that one you go to the other" gwen said

they swung to each explosions.

probably the shortest chapter i've wrote but i wanted to make sure i don't get to my planned ending to soon. but i got 2 chapters out. love y'all

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