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miles had stayed up late nervous as hell. he has never been on a date with a girl. he planned to take her to the old train tracks where he had tagged up a picture of gwen with uncle aaron. miles and his uncle did a lot of things together. he missed him so much.

him and gwen planned the date for 6 pm that night. he told her to meet him at his house. it was closer to the train tracks then his dorm room was. it was 4:30 so he thought he'd head back to his house.

he slung open his the apartment door. "mom, dad" he yelled out. they must have been out work. he went and sat on the couch. he turned on the tv for some background noise. he pulled his journal out of his bag and began to work on his new drawing. it was of his uncle aaron in the prowler suit. As much as he hated that his uncle was a bad guy. he had to admit, it was a badass suit.

after 30 mins miles put his journal back in his back. it was 5:25 pm. he decided to text gwen

we still on for 6? i'm at my
house waiting rn

yeah sorry miles, should i
wear something nice or casual

causal is fine

miles put his phone down and got off the couch. he threw on his hoodie since it was pretty chilly and put on his jordan's which he put in his bag before leaving his dorm. he sat back on the couch and waited.


gwen was beyond nervous. she was struggling to even find something casual. Her dad had went a bought her a chain to give miles. she could tell her dad really liked miles. Gwen decided to just put on miles hoodie and a pair of sweatpants and her teal converses. She walked out to the kitchen to see her dad fixing himself some mac and cheese.

"hey gwen, you bout to head out to see miles." george asked

"yeah it's already 5:40, gotta be at his place at 6" gwen smiled

"he's a great kid, do you like him?" george asked.

"like like? no dad, i don't" she blushed obviously lying.

george just laughed and told her to get going.


it was 5:55 and miles heard a knock at the door. he got up off the couch and opened the door.

"gwen! you look" he paused "you look pretty" he smiled

"thanks miles, so were are we goin?" she asked.

"you'll see" he smirked


they reached the end of the train tracks to the room uncle aaron took him to.

"this place looks familiar miles." she said

"what you mean?" he asked

"i remember this place, i fought otto octavius here, i used to work for him, this is his old office." gwen said

"well i didn't know, sorry gwen." he asked

"don't apologize, that was about a year ago." she said

"well follow me." miles said while leading gwen.

they reached the room and gwen saw the graffiti of her.

"oh my god, miles, did you do that?" she asked

"of course i did." he smiled.

gwen turned to face him. she looked at his eyes.

"miles, i just wanna tell you, you are the most special person that's ever came into my life, i thought when i became spiderman i'd never be able to get close to anyone, im glad i chose to get close to you." gwen said

miles was shocked, she just poured her feelings out to him. he began to lean in to kiss her when his phone rang. it made both of them jump. he answered his phone.

"miles, what the hell man, you promised you would be here for dinner with me and your mother, get home right now son"

"dad im sorry, i'll be there at 7, promise" miles said while hanging up the phone.

"gwen, i'm sorry, we gotta cut this short, promised dad i'd be there for dinner." miles said.

"thank you miles" gwen said

"of course gwen, see you tomorrow at school." he said while turning the corner to leave.

he was about to kiss gwen. stupid phone call. gwen sat down and looked at the graffiti of her.

she got up and left.

short and also very bad chapter. but i wanted to just tease y'all. sorry for the wait. next chapter is hopefully longer and better

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