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miles and hobie stayed up half the night messing around. they were both really, really high.

miles thought it was a great feeling. he slept like a baby. it was now 1:32 pm and miles finally woke up. he slept on the couch last night.

"good morning miles, or afternoon, hungry? just whipped up a batch of my famous hobie brown burgers." he said

"sure man, your couch sucks by the way." miles said rubbing his sore neck.

"thanks man" he said while handing miles a plate with a burger on it.

"wasnt a compliment" he said while taking a bite of his burger.

hobie and miles talked about stuff and finished up eating.

"turn to the news real quick man" miles said after throwing his paper plate away.

"a news man like myself" hobie said while flipping to the news channel.

the criminal known as the lizard has struck again, this time a woman named may parker, she is in critical condition right now. the reason for the attack is unknown.

"hobie man, thanks for letting me crash, but i gotta go" he said while rushing out the the door. he run down the steps and outside to the streets of new york. he looked for a nearby alley and went and changed into his suit. he kept it in his bag. he swung away to go find the lizard.

(gwen's apartment)

gwen was miserable, she was unable to do spider things, couldn't talk to her favorite person in the world, miles, and had a broken hand.

she hadn't got out of bed and it was almost 2 pm. she stared at her phone hoping to see a text from miles. she couldn't believe what happened.


miles had snuck into oscorp to go to curt's office, he knew it was him. it's not a coincidence that the day after gwen and miles talked to curt about lizard stuff and that  he knew who miles was.

he walked into curt's office

curt was sat at his desk scrolling on his computer.

"mr connors" miles spoke up.

"well hello" curt said.

"i wanted to talk to you about, about that new lizard guy, known anything about that." miles said

curt stood up and walked up to miles.

"it may sound crazy, but i don't known anything about that, now please miles, leave i have work to do." he said

he's lying  because the lizard knew who miles was when he removed his mask.

as curt turned around miles saw lizard scales on curt's neck.

bingo, got you connors miles said to himself

he walked out of curts office.

he was speed walking when he bumped into someone.

"sorry ma'am" miles said while picking up some of her documents and handing them to her.

he turned up to see this beautiful girl with white long hair.

"do i know you?" miles said

"maybe, i'm felicia hardy, i go to school with you right, your miles"

"feliciaaa right, i knew i recognized you." miles said.

"yeah i remember we had honors classes together" she smiled.

"you work here?" miles asked

"wellll i'm in a lab coat, and have a name tag so yeah. well kinda, i'm still in high school so i'm kinda of a trainee i guess." she said.

"cool" miles smiled

"miles i gotta get back to work, could i get your number, you seem like a cool guy." felicia said

"yeah of course." he said while pulling his phone number up.

"ok got it, i'll call you later, my number ends in 6801" felicia said.

miles walked out of oscorp and went to a nearby bench. he took a seat and thought about how he could prove curt was the lizard.

a man in a suit sat down beside him.

"cool shoes kid" he said

"thanks" he looked up and was shocked, it was the billionaire tony stark.

"wow, youre tony stark." miles said

"i am? just messing with you kid, what's your name" tony asked

"miles morales" miles said

"well miles, just know you can do anything if you put enough time and thought into it" tony said while standing up and entering a limousine.

"what just happened" he said.

(3 hours later)

miles was sitting on top of a building when his ear piece went off saying that someone was robbing a museum. he quickly swung to the museum.

when he arrived, he saw a figure in all black exit the museum.

he landed in front of the figure

"someone robbing a museum, haven't encountered that yet." he said

a female voice spoke up.

"nice to finally meet you spider boy." she said

A WOMAN he thought

"usually villains have like cool suits that make them, them, but you have all black on and a ski mask on, how original" he said

"well spiderboy, my name is black cat, don't worry when i sell this stuff i'm getting a suit." she smirked.

she made a quick dash to try to escape miles. she failed and was tackled by miles. they wrestled around for a little bit until black cat ended up on top of miles, pinning him down.

she stared at miles for a second then she lifted up miles mask to reveal his mouth. she pressed her lips against his, she tried to slip her tongue into miles mouth and make out with him but miles pushed her off and she grabbed her bag of paintings and ran off.

miles stood up scratching his head. he was beyond confused. why did she kiss him. but damn, did miles think she was a good kisser. he slipped his mask back down and swung away

2 chapters tonight folks. To be clear, felicia hardy aka black cat is around the same age as miles in this book. and also i just wanted to throw in a tony stark cameo, he is not ironman and won't have a important role in this book. he is just a genius billionaire. what do you think about black cat kissing spiderman. do you think this will cause more trouble between gwen and miles. see y'all in the next chapter

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