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Gwen woke up to the sound of a controller smashing

"stupid lizard" she could hear ganke say in the background.

"ganke its 7 am. shut the hell up dude!" miles yelled

gwen lifted her head from miles chest. she looked around til she lock eyes with miles

"good morning sleepyhead" miles smiled. "you fell asleep around 10, just couldn't wake you up"

"what time is it? gwen asked. "7:12 am, don't worry, school doesn't start til 8:15" he said.

gwen was still is her school uniform. her hair was a mess. she wanted to get up and leave but she was enjoying this time with miles soooo much. she decided to sit up off his chest.

"i'd love to stay miles, but i gotta go back to my dorm" gwen smiled at him.

"it's ok gwen, see you in class." he said.

when gwen left ganke immediately started talking.

"i'd kill you to get a chance for a girl to lay on my chest" ganke said.

"ok listen, wear my j's today, they a good luck charm" miles said, obviously joking.

gankes a idiot so he fell for miles joke and immediately put on miles jordan's. miles got up and checked his phone.
*one new message, from Dad👮🏿*

Hey kiddo, call me when you wake up

weird he's gotta be at work right now miles thought. he   decided to call him.

"hey dad, what's up"

"um miles, don't panic, but i got shot during my shift last night."

"WHAT! Dad are you ok?"

"yeah i'm fine, just got hit in my shoulder, going into surgery tonight, don't worry about coming to see me, i know you gotta focus on that girl of yours"

"dad, we're just friends, anyways i don't know if i like her"

"lying ass, i gotta go kid, doctors coming to check on me, love you miles"

"love you too dad."

he always worries about his dad, second time he's been shot now, he got shot when miles was 6. miles got up out of bed and put on his crocs.

"miles, you gotta bag gwen, she's a special one, don't want someone to come up and scoop her away." ganke said.

"don't worry, we're too alike." miles said obviously talking about how they were both spiderman. miles got up and left his dorm, he needed to go see the principal anyways. he saw mj walking up to him.

"miles miles, do you wanna go to prom with me, we got unfinished business" mj smirked.

she looked excited to ask me, but i already plan to ask gwen to go.

"mj, i'd love to but, i'm already going with someone" miles said.

"aww man, too bad" mj said while walking away.

weird, her and miles have barely talked all school year and now she's asking him to prom. he needs to ask gwen sooner or later. he went down the steps to the walkway and went into the school. he made his way to the principal's office and knocked.

"come in" ms drew said.

"you wanted to see me?" miles asked while sitting down in the chair in front of her desk.

"yes miles, your grades have been dropping rapidly recently, any problems in your dorm, or at home?" she asked.

"no ma'am, i've just been busy outside of school, my dad made me get this job, i work late." he said obviously lying.

(COMPLETED) One Lucky BiteWhere stories live. Discover now