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after getting stitched up by gwen. miles made his way home expected his mom and dad to be off at work.

miles opened the front door and went to his kitchen. he opened the fridge and grabbed and soda. he heard someone clear there throat. he swiftly turned around and saw his dad standing there with his mom not to far behind him.

"you got something to tell us miles?, you don't text, you don't call, and expect not to sit up all night worrying." jeff said

"sorry dad, been with ganke." miles said while cracking open his soda.

jeff grabbed the soda outta miles hands and placed it on the counter

"i'm trying to have a conversation with you miles, so show some god damn respect!" jeff said angrily

miles had never seen his dad like that, he was shocked.

"i know you weren't with ganke, i asked him if he had seen you. said y'all haven't talked in days." jeff said

ganke ratted him out. he's never done that before. ganke always lied for miles. now he's not. they really are on bad terms.

"just tell me miles, where have you been, have you been with that emo girl." he said

miles stayed silent.

"answer me miles!" jeff yelled

"yes, i've been with her." miles said

"well consider seeing her over, as of now, you are not allowed to see her, ever" jeff said

"come on dad, you're not serious" tears began to form in his eyes.

"hell yes i'm serious!" jeff yelled

"that's not fucking fair!" miles yelled

the lightbulbs  in the apartment began to flicker, and finally they exploded.

jeffs covered rio and they ducked.

it was miles powers. they did that.

"what the hell" jeff said while standing up.

miles fell to his knees.

"also miles, after whatever this shit was your grounded, give me your phone" jeff said while sticking his hand out.

miles stood up and brushed past his dad.

"don't walk away from me miles, don't you dare" jeff said

miles opened the door and left.

(30 minutes later)

gwen was sitting at her desk studying for school when there was a knock on her window.

she turned around to see miles.

she ran over to her window and pulled it up.

"miss me already?" she joked

miles didn't look like himself. he looked sad. which was weird from the mostly joyous miles.

"what's wrong miles?" gwen was really concerned.

"i" his voice began to crack. "i can't see you anymore." miles cried.

gwen's heart sank to her stomach.

"wha, what do you mean" gwen said

"i mean what i said gwen" he said

"but why, i mean we just kissed what, what happened miles" she began to cry as well.

"i'm sorry." he said.

miles turned around and left.

gwen was heart broken, did she do something wrong.

she quickly turned around and punched her wall with all her power. her hand went all the way through the wall. seconds later george's eye was on the other side of the hole.

"what the hell gwen!" he yelled

she grabbed her handed and collapsed to the floor.


"well gwen, what have we learned today" george said as they walked outside the hospital

"don't punch walls" she said while looking at her cast.

she had broken her hand.

(later that night, hobies apartment)

"that's pretty fucked up miles" he said while taking a hit of his joint.

"yeah i know, that's for letting me crash here. can't really go home, you know?" miles said

"of course bruv, you like a lil bro to me" he said while patting miles back

"but man, you sure you don't wanna hit this joint, it will for real take someone of the stress off, makes you feel stress free" hobie said

"my parents would kill me man" miles laughed

"how would they know?" hobie said

"fuck it, pass it here" miles said

"that a boy" he said while handing the joint the miles.

he took one deep breath and took a hit. he began to cough immediately.

"holy shit man, this shit hits hard." miles said.

"first time is always special, enjoy it" hobie said.

short chapter today guys, what y'all think about miles smoking???? and of course miles not being able to see gwen anymore. hope y'all enjoyed this more dark chapter. see y'all in the next one

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