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(the next day, school)

"do you wanna go on a date tonight"

miles looked over at gwen. they were in first period right now.

"uhh, what about the rest of them" miles asked

"well don't worry about them. we haven't had a night for us since we started dating" gwen said

"well then sure, meet me at my place at 7?" miles said

"yeah ok" gwen smiled


gwen and miles exited school together. they were both gonna go back to their apartments to change clothes.

miles entered his parents apartment and went to talk to his mom.

"mom, me and gwen are going on a date" miles said

"thats awesome miles, do you want me to go get some flowers for you to give her?" rio asked

"yeah that would be great, thanks mom" miles said

"now, go get ready" she said

rio left to go get flowers and miles went into his room. he went to his closet and changed into something comfortable but nice.

he sat down on his bed and noticed a text from gwen

hey miles which one of these should i wear? *2 attachments*

she sent 2 pictures. in the first one she on a baby blue dress and the second she had on a black dress

both of them look beautiful gwen, wear either one

okk thanks miles ❤️

rio slung open the door with two things of flowers

"i didnt know which one she would like so i got two" rio said

"the pink ones are beautiful, she'll like those"

she handed miles the flowers

"i love you miles" she said pinching his cheeks

"love you too mami" miles said

she exited miles room and miles laid down. he was tired and started to doze off



miles sat up quickly. '

"come in" he said

it was gwen

"hey baby, you look, decent" gwen smiled

miles hair was a mess and his shirt was wrinkled.

"i uh fell asleep" miles said rubbing his eyes.

"well you ready to go?" gwen asked

miles stood up and handed gwen the flowers

"now i am" he smiled

she took the flowers and they left miles room together.

rio came up to them.

"Yall are so cute together! i need to get a picture" rio said

rio took out her phone and they smiled for the picture.

"ok now yall cuties go have fun" rio said

they left the apartment and went to the elevator

"did i ever tell you i love your mom" gwen said

"nope, glad yall get along, her and mj didnt really get along"

"oh i forgot you two dated" gwen said

they reached the bottom floor and left the apartment building.

"so where are you taking me?" gwen asked

"oh you'll see" miles smirked


"joes pizza? you got me thinking we were going to a fancy restaurant making me wear a dress" gwen said

"come on, give joe a chance. he's got the best pizza in all of new york"  miles said as they walked in.

"miles, good to see you, the usual?" joe asked

"yeah" miles said

"for the lady?"

"i'll just take 4 cheese pizza slices"  gwen said

"ight, total is 24.57" joe said

miles handed him a 25 dollars and they went and sat down.

"how was your day after school?" miles asked

"it was good, my dad was off today and we watched that new barbie movie." gwen said

"without me?!" miles gasped

"oh haha, you wouldn't like it anyways" gwen laughed

the waiter brought them their food.

miles got 5 slices of meat lovers pizza.

"thanks for paying miles." she said while taking a bite of her BORING cheese pizza.

"of course, the men always pay" he smiled

they chitchatted and finish up their meals.

(the top of joes pizza)

"you were right. that pizza was great" gwen said

"would've been even better if you got what i got, but cheese is okkk" miles said

"ok?! it's the classic, who doesn't like cheese pizza?" gwen said

miles gave her a "i don't look"

"you don't like cheese pizza?! how do you not like it" gwen asked

"just don't, cheese alone is nasty." miles said

"is not"

"is too"


before miles could finish gwen jumped onto miles and kissed him.

"cheese pizza is amazing, end of discussion"  she said while standing back up.

"yes ma'am" he said saluting her.

gwen sat on the edge of the building and looked out at the sky.

"you ok?" miles said sitting next to her

"something bads gonna happen at the end of all this" gwen said

"what do you mean" miles asked

"someone's gonna get hurt"

ok i got chapter 25 out. this is a filler chapter honestly. i just wanna get to the final chapters were shit can start kicking into third gear. hope y'all ready🙏

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