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"miles, you hear about the new spiderman? he's getting praised for what he did at that burning building. i had a run in with him when that rhino guy robbed the bank." jeff said

miles wasn't even listening, he was exhausted from yesterday. that was the hardest thing he's ever done. he was all over the news, it was good to know people cared. he fell asleep right when he got home last night. the school was still closed for another 5 days. miles made his way back into his room to call gwen
she picked up after 2 rings

hey gwen! you still wanna go to oscorp today?  to see whatever his name was

yeah i do, his name is curt connors, he said he might know something about the lizard stuff peter used to become the lizard

ok cool, when do you wanna meet there?

3 sound cool?

yeah that's cool, meet you there gwen

after the burning building incident, gwen told miles about curt connors, he was this scientist at oscorp, he worked with peters father, richard parker. she told miles richard and curt made the serum that peter took to make him the lizard . it was a unfinished version that's why it did what it did to peter. gwen wants to find out the truth about the serum.


miles approached the very tall building. gwen was sitting down on a bench next the oscorp.

"good day my lady." miles said while offering a hand for gwen.

gwen looked up from her phone "my lady?"

"just a thing people say" miles shrugged

"yeah i know dummy" she said

they went inside together and approached the main desk

"hello ma'am, we are here to see mr kurt connors." gwen said

"mr morales? and ms stacy?" she asked

"yes ma'am." gwen said

"ok take the elevator, curt connors office is on the 7th floor." she said

miles and gwen walked towards the elevator.

when they both walked in they heard a guy yell wait.

miles stuck his leg into the closing elevator doors.

"thank you so much." he said while rushing into the elevator.

his badge read Max Dillon

"so where y'all heading?" he asked

"to visit mister curt connors" gwen smiled

"yeah he's an awesome dude, he's the reason i even got a job here, sucks i gotta deal with eels every day." he laughed.

"eels?" miles asked

"yes eels, where i'm heading right now actually." he said.

the elevator reached the 7th floor

"well it was nice meeting both of y'all." max said

they waved bye to max and left.

"nice guy" miles said

they walked around seeing all types of gadgets and machines.

"holy shit" miles said while stopping in his place.

he took a look at this glass cage like thing. it had spiders in it.

"look gwen, those are the spiders that bite us." miles said.

gwen and miles were now both stopped.

"y'all must be gwen and miles."

miles and gwen both jumped and turned around.

"yes sir" they both said.

"come on, follow me." curt said

they reached his office and curt grabbed a cup of coffee.

"coffee?" curt asked

they both shook their head no. he gestured them to sit down as he sat as his desk. they both sat down at the chairs in front of curt's desk.

"so gwen, we've talked over the phone a couple times, it's a pleasure to finally meet you." kurt smiled

"i have questions about the serum, that turned my best friend peter parker into a lizard." gwen said

"yes i remember, that serum, that damn serum." he said while sitting back in his chair.

"it was in the works when i gifted it to richard, he said he was gonna take the serum overseas with him on a plane, that plane crashed and took his life, i guess he ended up not taking the serum with him, i don't know why. my guess is that peter found the serum, knowing it was from his fathers place of work. thought it would do something good to him." curt said

"but what is the serum meant to do." gwen asked

"to regrow limbs, like a lizard." he said while looking down at his missing arm.

"but like i said, it was a early testing, not ready for use on humans, that's why it failed, and turned peter into a lizard." he said

"do you still test the serum?" gwen asked

"yes only on small mice, we've had many successful attempts, but the mice would die after a few days." curt said

"what we hope happens, is we can finally get the serum to work on mice, then try it on humans, i've already offered to be the first test subject." curt said proudly.

"what if that goes wrong? what if you turn into a lizard." gwen asked.

"that's why i'll be locked in a unbreakable glass cage, to make sure i don't escape." curt said.

"gwen i'm truly sorry what happened to peter, he was a great kid." curt said

curts watch began to beep

"thank you two for coming to see me, always nice to have visitors" curt said while getting  up and leaving the room.

"so that answer any questions?" miles asked.

gwen stood up and miles followed her as she left the room

"not really." gwen said.

at the moment the whole floors lights start flashing red and a loud sound followed

alert everyone, an oscorp worker has fallen into the eels, i repeat an oscorp worker has fallen into the eels.

"max" they said while facing each other

huge chapter guys, we introduced max dillon aka electro, and curt connors. beware, huge wait between our two spider-man's and electro next chapter.


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