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the kiss with "black cat" kept replaying in miles head. what about gwen, but he can't see her? does the kiss even matter? thoughts and thoughts were running through miles mind. he slept at hobies again because he obviously wasn't going home. his dad and mom have called him a lot. he feels like an asshole but his dad said he couldn't see gwen. gwen is his everything.

"so miles, tell me, have you talked to gwen since that night" hobie asked

"no i haven't, i wouldn't no what to say." miles said

"dude, you've gone through so much with her, from what you told me, just say fuck it. don't listen to your dad" hobie said

miles thought, he's right. he's not even good with his dad right now. what else was he gonna do.

"holy shit, your right. thank you hobie. you prove everytime why you like a brother to me" miles said.

he rushed out of hobies apartment and made his way to gwen's apartment.


gwen was struggling to change clothes after her shower. stupid cast got in the way of everything.

she finally got her shirt on and plopped down on her bed. she scrolled through instagram reels for a couple minutes. out of no where there was a knock at her window. she lifted her head up to see miles.

she smiled and ran over to the window and lifted it open.

"i missed you" gwen said

"missed you too" miles smiled

"about what i said the other night, my dad was mad i didn't tell him i was staying with you, they sat up all night waiting for me, when i got home. he told me i couldn't see you anymore, at first i was like, i gotta listen that's my dad. but he obviously doesn't know what we've been through together, im sorry if i broke your heart" miles frowned

"miles, it's alright, i know why you did it, i would've listened to my dad too." gwen said

miles looked down at gwen and noticed her arm.

"what the hell happened gwen?" he asked

"punched the wall" she said while pointing at the broken wall

"are you ok?" miles asked

"i mean yeah, but it's broken. sorry spiderboy but you're on your own for atleast a month" gwen said

"well i could use the experience alone" he said

miles ear piece which was in his bag began to chatter.

"its about connors, the lizard" he said

"gotta go, hate to ask but can i change in here?" he asked

"i'll turn around"

gwen walked to the corner of her room and waited for miles to change

"ok done" miles said

"ok, you can leave your bag here, go get 'em tiger" she grinned.

miles jumped out the window and was heading for curt connors.


he arrived at the scene where curt was.

it was a pet store.

the whole side of the building was crumbled

miles walked into the side of the building and heard cats and dogs. he rushed inside and grabbed as many of them as he could. he dropped them outside

"miles morales" curt said

miles turned around and the lizard was standing not to far from him.

"curt, i know it's you, it's obvious man" miles said

"of course it's me" he smirked

he charged miles and swung his claws at him.  miles dodged and rolled away.

"curt you need to stop those experiments, it's gonna get people killed" miles begged

"just like how i killed may parker" he said

"what do you mean? what happened to may?" he said

curt just laughed

this angered miles.

he charged up his venom powers and punch curt with both fists.

curt went flying through the building next to them.

the serum began to wear off. curt was going back to his human self.

miles walked over to curt and began to punch him in the face, over, and over again. he stopped once he realized curt was fully back to being a human.

"i'm sorry, i just wanted to proof everyone wrong, that cross genetics species could work." curt said while coughing.

two police officers rushed in and threw cuffs on curt.

"sorry about you face curt" miles joked.

miles needed to make a REAL apology to gwen. he just took down the lizard. he's got time to relax.


gwen heard a knock at the window. it was obviously miles. she opened the window and miles was holding something behind his back.

he pulled it out from behind his back. it was a boxed of chocolates and flowers.

"the hell is this?" gwen laughed

"my way to apologize" miles smiled

"but you already did?" she confusingly said

"i still felt bad" he said while stepping into gwen's room.

she grabbed the flowers and chocolates from miles.

"thank you miles" she smiled

"will you be my girlfriend?" miles said

the question was so out of the blue but gwen knew the answer

"oh my god hell yeah" she smiled

miles pulled in gwen for a kiss.

when they let go they pressed there foreheads together and miles grabbed gwen's face.

"i love you miles"

took me a couple of days but i got chapter 19 out. sorry for ending the lizards ark so quickly. i just wanted to moved onto another villain, it's not electro but don't worry, he might be back soon. tricked y'all into thinking black cat would cause problems with gwen and miles.😈but seriously. 8k views, i just hit 7 like 4 days ago. y'all are insane. see you guys in the next chapter.

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