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Gwen had sat up thinking about miles attempt to kiss her. she wanted it, she really did. but she's think it was for the best that he didn't kiss her. she likes how things are with her and miles. she didn't want to take the chance that a kiss could ruin what they have.


"miles, guess what bro, they closed school for the next week. they're rebuilding the gym." ganke said with excitement

miles rubbed his eyes "then let me sleep in ganke."

"no sir, we gotta hit up the basketball court" ganke said.

"ganke you said you hate basketball remember?" miles said

"yeah i know, but we barely hang out anymore so i thought"

"well you thought wrong bro, no school so i'm gonna sleep in." miles said

he heard the dorm room open and close

"oh hey gwen." ganke said.

miles shot up from his bed. there was no gwen.

"figured." ganke said while leaving their dorm room.

god miles feels like an asshole. it's just he's been really stressed with spiderman stuff recently. he really doesn't have time to hang out with ganke. miles decided he'd get up and go on patrol. he put on his suit and left through the dorm window.

miles turned on his ear piece that was connected to the police station radio. aunt may delivered it to him. time to try this sucker out he thought to himself. he began to swing. he heard the police talking about a bank robbery. he swung to the bank.

he reached the bank and holy! there was a huge wall in the side of the bank. he swung down to talk to an officer, which happened to be his dad. he deepened his voice

"hello officer, bank robbery?" he asked

"hey spiderman, big ass rhino guy." he laughed

miles swung into the bank and went to the vault.

"i didn't know rhinos could rob banks" miles said

the rhino guy turned around.

"well well well, the new spiderman everyone's talking about." he said

"in the flesh, how about you make this easy and put down the cash?" miles asked

"no chance" rhino said while charging at miles.

miles evaded and swung onto his back. rhino began to run around and make as many sharp turns to get miles to fall. miles began to strike rhinos back. rhino began to run even faster. miles looked up and saw that they were heading right for the bank wall.

"oh no you don't big guy" miles said while swinging up to avoid crashing into the wall with rhino.

rhino wasnt to lucky as he smashed through the wall.

"welp another easy day for spiderMANNN." miles screamed while rhino ran up and grabbed miles and swung him into a wall. miles was out of breath and hurting all over.

(COMPLETED) One Lucky BiteWhere stories live. Discover now